RuMiNaTinG THouSanD YEarS



(piNk to
dArk VioLeT

Facebook Friend Sherri and
Dancing Partner from the Mid-
80’s at Club 2001 Disco provides
A Facebook Ego Booster Quiz
Result of Pensacola that asks
which City is Calling out
to you with a test result
of Pensacola wants
you back per
sure as
Ego Boosting can
Be and WiLL noW Go
i get the SiMiLaR ReSuLT..

And i return with words that say..

Twice a week..
Four times
This week..
True.. Born there
And escaped at
Age 2 out of a trailer
On Davis Highway as
A wanderer then too..
Katrina has
Learned to
Help me
To P’Cola..
The first go
Around.. a nice
Man stopped his
Car and brought
Me Back to
My Mother
With A
Look on
His Face
As Mama
Was Hanging
Up Clothes and
Took her eyes off
Of Greased Lightning
For just a second and
From then on i felt the
Tight rein of Apron
Strings until i fell
Out of a Grocery
Buggy on my
Head struggling
To get loose and
That may help
To Describe
The rest
Of ‘this’.. oh
And i used to
Stay up all night
In the Crib twirling
Around and around
Until i made a blister
On my Big right toe
And my Mother told
My Father.. our Baby
Has a look in his
Eyes like an
Adult who
Knows way
More than
He’s telling
Us and My
Father said..
Helen one
Day you’ll
Come in here
To his crib and
Find him smoking
A cigarette.. instead..
Like Rod Serling too..
i still find better things
To do and he smoked
Until the doctor told
Him it would kill
Him in his 80’s
And it did and
He also bought
About 500 dollars
Of lottery tickets
In retirement
Years each
Week in
A get rich
Quick scheme
That might have
Worked better if
He Hated spending
Money like i did and
Invested it then safely
And got substantially
Richer than 5 percent
Of the General
Population like
Me starting out
At a minimum wage
Job and staying
At that rate for
A very long
Time after
At 23 years
Of age.. too
You see it’s
What kind of
Habits you do
That make a
Difference or
Kills your
Ass earlier
With less to leave
The rest of the
World in Giving
Sharing ways..







Downloading 302 photos for
the latest MacroVerse Number
780/109 respectively for 4 MilLioN
pluS Word LonG Form Poem “SonG oF
mY SouL” and “Nether Land
Bible 2017” as that Chapter
oF “SonG of mY SoUL”
and even Larger story
oF aLL 12 MilLioN
Words or so NoW
written online since
then My E-Born Date
of Thanks Giving Day
2010.. yes.. as “Nether Land
Bible 2017” closes in on 1.7M Words
as that Chapter WiLL LikeLY JuST DO..
A Day or so Before.. Father’s Day
on 6.17.17.. as My PenCiL and
Pocket Protector is on the rAge
oF Systemizing Science too as
WeLL as MySTicAL
WiTh GoD i
aLL WaYs aRT
CaN and WiLL DO
Synchronicity NoW2
When DaRkest Fibers
oF LiFe Tapestry miX NoW
WiTh GreaTER Than RainBoW
ColoRs oF LiFe for a reAL 24 CaRaT
DAncE and SonG oF X-Transformation
and Transfiguration thAT has no Equal but Love
IN MasterPiece PainTinG GoD thaT iS all Brush
And Paint we too iN A NeVeR EnDinG Story oF
AND as GoD wE aLL PlaY and PRaY taLe Do..
whether we are cognizant of the LaRger
PaInTinG of GoD or not in traps NoW
oF MaterialisTicTock ReductionISMs
Views than less than more thAT
iS the PaiNTinG MasTErpiece
OF God thAT is Never ending
uS plUS NoW too as Sentient
stAr DuST plUS uS BoRn from
Crucible FiRe of StAR Death.. yes..
to Resurrection uS NoW VeRiLY at thiS
GreATeST PreSent oF LiFE NoW i DancE
AnD SinG With Digital Plastic Keys that MoVe
ConNecT and cReaTe Organic LiFe as Words beCoMe
LiGht and LoVe Never EnDinG NoW oNliNe iN a HeaVeN
online that has no Sun or Moon.. hehe.. as LonG as Robots
in Singularity Serve mY SoUL UpLoAdinG NoW STiLL.. aT A
Weekly Rate of around 30K words and 500 or so photos and
the help of scores of YouTube Music Videos and Various
LiNks to oTheR HUmaN MulTi-Verse ideaLs oF aRT
And Systemizing Science too.. hmm.. *checks the
progress of the upload of current photos and
sees that number is up to 196 out of 302
And i jUSt Love that number 196 as it is
mY Birth Year in numerology way
of Skipping the zero in 1960
and adding the numbers
togeTheR for Sweet
Sixteen that Makes
A 7 total a 7 number
everyone seems to like
per the Archetype of the Number
of Celestial Visible Bodies including the Moon
NoW and miNus the Moon iN adding the Sun and
subtrActing the Moon too.. iF ya wanna do it that way too
as long as yA include Mercury through Saturn too.. we humans
genetically NoW have memories too but Science so far has only
proven this in folks like rats who we share a common rodent
ancestor with around 66 Million years ago when the God
oF Nature did us mammals overall a really big favor and
hurled an iron fist aS Asteroid And made the Gulf of
Mexico and Killed off all those Beautiful Gigantic
Lizard creatures we now call Dinosaurs and
Godzilla too.. NOW as now we make the
Fire Breathing Nuclear Bombs
that can do to us what
the Iron Fist of
A Great Asteroid
did to the Dinosaurs
66 Million Years ago.. too…
anyWay yesterday.. i caught up
with Facebook Friend Rafiah’s latest
Poem created on her Blog on June the
10th as i don’t get notifications for whatever
reason on her style of Blogging.. and have to
manually check now and then when i FeeL and
senSe her Breath oF heArT over tHeRe and she
says words to the effect and affect of things have
changed and she doesn’t KNoW if that is better or worse
and she feels lost.. and it almost brings a tear to my eye
immediately as when we had our first disagreement in all
the years so far of our friendship approaching three after
i told her Muhammad couldn’t possibly be A last prophet
as per i AM.. per se not so special reAlly but juSt getting
thaT kinda JoB done agAIn.. then after i told her that tHeRe
iS nOw less aggression and violence and wars and such
as that on a Bikini Beach NoW with little to no clothes
as that’s how our Closest Cousin Primate Bonobos
Deal with any aggression too with the positive
force of Ape luSt to quell all ways of
Aggression and make Peace
and Love a reaLiTy NoW
too and OMG it’s
true people
are happier..
So.. much Happier
with few to no clothes
on a close to Naked Beach
oF God but not all folks see
life this free as i do.. and i understand
that too.. and after taling her that i have
relatives who are homosexual/bi-sexual
and even married to each other too who
are the greaTesT examples of real eARTh
AngELs to ever step foot on this eARTh.. yes..
NoW Houston we have an issue.. As Pakistan and
the United States ways of culture are on a totally
different pAge of CloThes.. anyway.. i said her Religion
is imperfect as all human words are literally so as they
are all metaphors that cannot be taken as math projects
of 2 plus 2 always equals 4 and the Distance to the
Moon stays the same anymore than the Emotions
of Humans that never stay the same and cannot
be empirically predicted as perfect either with
any due sense of common sense to separate
the chaff from the wheat and the sHades
of Grey and beYond Rainbow Colors that
are not going away but i realize and
fully FeeL and seNse that mY
Friend Rafiah is a Very
Kind and Sensitive
and LoVinG hUman
BeinG and she had/has
to be very Brave to disagree
with her very prolific and somewhat
smART friend Fred to do what her religion
says to defend it as always perfect now.. so
i said just tale me to stop as i have the edge
of advantage of being in any debate about most
anything after writing 12 Million words and debating
most everything to A to Z in Politics and Religion
and Philosophy with egg heads reporting an
average of 140 to 160 IQ on a Wrong
Planet online for folks who are
so smart that the norm
has outcast
on the
Planet EArth
and there is no way
for some of them to gain
a place in social connection other
than somewhat of a Wrong Planet NoW
as HeLL too where most everything is Logic
and the ART of heART is left out to shrivel
up and dry up and disintegrate in left brain
metaphor of thinking only.. so i hope i did not
make my Friend Rafiah Cry then when i disagreed
with her about her religion so fervently as she
knows already how much different my way of LiFE
is than her religion but she has always showed me
Love no matter what as i will continue to do for her..
so.. i left a comment that says and sAid..
as yes.. i continue to fulfill my CoVeNant
with the i AM wHo and thaT liVEs
within me aka God as ‘they’ say
inside.. outside.. above.. so
below and all a’Round too..

Yes.. i said to Rafiah..

One thing that WiLL
Never change
Is no matter
What changes
My FriEnd
Will Always
Be Special to
Me With Love..:)

And then i

One who
HOlds Love
Is Never Lost..:)

And now.. i say.. Rafiah’s
title of her poem that said
‘RumiNaTioNs aBouT SoMe VerY
ImPorTanT THiNgS’.. mY Letters
of Capitalization added
iN for emphasis now..
are yes.. very veriLY
to mE
i AM too..:)

Oh.. by A way tHeRe are
also 37 older photos that
are included in the latest MacroVerse
too.. and yes.. the Number 37 is significant
and so is the number 302 but i WiLL to LeAVe
thaT as A MysTerY for ‘someone’ else to figure out later
and iF iT takes a ThouSanD Years.. no probleM as i already did
that tiMe in Zero PoinT FeeLinG SenSinG HeLL Separation for juST a Second..
all relative aS SucH aS ‘they’ saY NoW2
aS iN HeaVeN
tHeRE is LoVE
No tiMe LiGht
NoW@ALL and
iT’s trUe.. soMe Folks
Fear LeAvinG the iDeals
of tHeir religions as they fear
the change of death and the change
thAT WiLL coMe to tHeir Loved ones
when they LeaVe this Terrestrial Plane
too but the greAteST paRT oF aLL thAT
iS God Is the wHoLe thAT is NeVer reVeaLeD
as pArT and You would have to be God alone NoW
to understand HoW PainFuL NumB it would/will Be for God
iF God
was and
is not the
i AM thAT is
tHe beST pART thaT
is YoU.. yoU See aS GoD
As YoU God WiLL NeVer EvEr
Be alone aGaiN wiTh YOU GoD iS allone..:)


WeLL.. Four Facebook Profile Pics taken in
tHe Target Hound Bullseye’s PlayGround
Literally aS Such and MetaphoricALLy
too as that’s alWays the
way it is WiTH AnY
hUman Language
too.. mileage varies
in deep oF how far eyes
and ears can and will to see..
i can go on forever now and will
about this but for now i go on hehe..
oh.. the Deep Conversations in Walmart
with People i meet.. people i kNew and My
Psychotherapist too.. anyWay.. the best pArT oF
aLL oF LiFE to me is i reAlly do sEE and feeL and
SenSe it as A Never Ending Dreamtime Story and iN
Anthropology as ‘they’ say tHeRE is soMe evidence
thaT our Distant Ancestors and the one’s who still
liVe so-called More PrimitivELy STiLL Perceive
LiFe more LiKe A Story Book Dreamtime
experience than tick tock don’t
rock the boat.. keep
your ass on
the side
walk straight
and if you step
on the crack yA might
Break your Mother’s Back..
Lot’s of stressed out folks these
Days dOWN in Level One of Maslow’s Hierarchy
uP to the Path of Super Women and Men.. eTC..
who sELF Actualize iN Peace and Harmony
iN LoVE liGhT LiFe oF GiVinG ShArinG
MoVinG ConNecTinG CreATinG
LiFe Free wiTh each oTheR
PaSS LiMiTs and
oF BeFoRe..
Some folks NoW reALLy
gET the Deeper iN LiFe.. And
Interestingly it is often the Young
and Innocent beFore they get tHeir
Open MiNds taken away or the folks who
have been through some real shit and ComE BacK
out oN the other side aT LeASt BeinG Able to Love
Freely as ‘they’ say too.. And yes.. it definitely helps
to not have to work in a so-called paying job for
Washington Green bLack Dollar BiLLs and
Lincoln SenTS as most often those
are juST code words for
what the Slave
his or her
or eTc’s SlaVe
uS to get tHeir JoBs
DoNe.. NoW and meanwhile
putting more and more automation
robots to work to take away even the
Self Esteem of Jobs that produce products
to help others that we never See.. Otherwise
SeNsE oR FeeL2 iN actuAlly seeing the Thanks
Giving in the oTheR HUman eYes.. and so many
oTheR SenSes and EmoTions oF Touchy FeeLY Love
iN Appreciation of a liFe thaT and wHo is more Free NoW
tHan Slave oF tiMe CLock for most of the rest of yOUr liFE..
and for folks who have lost their Social Roles and Self Esteem
And feel little to no connection with the Rest of the Tribe in MoVinG
conNecTinG and CreaTinG ways.. not a good recipe with an Automatic
Weapon or any oTheR way to gain Legacy in dArTh way instead of Jedi way
now2.. and it’s really sad that everything seems like a Despicable Movie with
dARk MuSe MiNioNs three as Whatever is real NoW too.. yes.. the Political
eYe has and is MoVinG oFF the Prize of the riGht to LIFe.. LiBerTY and
the Pursuit oF Happiness.. keep the crew liGht dArk to continue
to take away Health Care and oThER Food Stamp
Assistance away that’s just talk so far without
teeth and not too much action
as promised now..
but anyway
as we fall
back there are NoW aLways
consequences for every dArK
ACTioN taken NoW against aNoThER
hUman BeinG NoW.. so.. fix the Problems
or suffer many many more consequences NoW
And for folks who cannot see the most dangerous
terrorism is the Domestic kind that is always brewing
underneath the monster covers of Night iN Day TiMe NoW
Dreams too.. WeLL.. they stand to lose.. particularly if they CaN
And WiLLoTheRWiSE do the best they can for the disadvantaged as tHeRe
are alWays the potential for rogue killers who could care no more NoW if they
live or die NoW.. And that’s a bad place we can aLL hOld Hands to FiX NoW2..:)


So.. A Tale of Three Faces.. a Bearded Greying Black One Named Eli
an acquaintance and alWays spiRiTuaLLy SeeKinG and FinDinG FriEnD
from years at work.. aLways Searching and coming to deeper DisCoVerY
MeaNinGs FuLL oF PurPose iN life.. SeeinG him in the DanCinG stores
about once a year and we catch up on new DisCoVeRies
and he understands all of what i’M
saying as he spends his
time.. yes..
and Discovering
More and of course
this is not all humans
and not all humans have
eyes and ears to see and hear/feel/sense
what i say/do and of course i don’t expect
them to as they do not have all the reference
points of my unique experiences and sure i don’t
understand everyone else’s experiences by far but
i have some inKLinG that if they fELt and seNsEd a World
of Bliss as i do now.. tHeRe would be no reaSon to bRinG otHeR
folks down to raise themselves up as already the gRaiN of Sand
at the a top of a Mountain of Love.. Kingdom within as ‘they’ ‘say’..
Pure Energy Love iN Synergy Force and WiLL i ever find words to
totAlly approXiMate this Kingdom Forevermore now i experience
as Ocean shores ever more exPaNding of Love within as
HeaVeN NoW.. of course not but i cry i try soMe
moRe.. as HeaVeN is woRth GiVinG and
ShArinG And trUst mE if yoU ever
fiNd it with 100% Faith of
you in the me
that is you..
you NoW too..
will do somEthing
like Dancing 7600 miles
in 46 Months with 4 Million plus
words of Free Verse Poetry too.. NoW
tHeRe is no choice but give and share MoRe
with PuRe Love and for those who have never
been to this place of HeaVeN within it is
entirely Trump impossible to even fathom
wHeRE i cOMe FrOM NoW as tHeRe
are No BrOwn Noses of Hell
iN Pure Love

So.. the second
Face is hidden behind
a Clothes Display as ‘they’
often come in Teenage Girl
Years.. potentially those young
women who are NoW2 bullied by the
Clique Crowd as that goeS iN school
years2 as my Wife was for the fAct that
she had to buy reduced price lunches and
that doesn’t go over well with the Southern
Baptist Ball Room Girls and Lord Knows Cinderella
has to work twice as hard to step her way up in ‘the world’..
so.. the wife calls me up on the smArt phone and breaks the Trance
of mY MuSiC Dance and SinGs that girl over tHeRe is videotaping you
and then i say what’s new like it hasn’t happened hundreds of times already
NoW iN 46 months and 7600 miles of doing the same old always new thing
NoW of Creative Float Footwork now.. sure.. looks like a tight rope act to others
but just a cloud to me.. in an alWays SpRinG Breeze.. So.. the Wife Katrina who
is somewhat Surprisingly Moving a Little more out of her Shell in what can haPPen
iN older ages along with the reverse of that too.. sHe goes directly up to the Young Red Head
Girl as the Girl looks like she got caught shoplifting with her voyeur video in hand.. the Wife
says it’s okay.. i’m his wife.. and he ain’t shy.. he don’t mind if you share his DancE
WitH all YouR friEnds.. and She goes on to give her the Katrina’s Digest size story
oF mY PerSoNaL Witness oF Hell and HeaVeN.. on eARTh and some more of
her othER friends come up as sHe is the Brave Scout of
The Group with a voyeur smart phone to capture
the feat of my dance.. and they say
HIS WIFE.. and then my wife
gets her 15 seconds of
fame as a Celebrity
in old
anyWay.. i am alWays
an inspiration to those to
just be who they are and fuck
the naysayers every FucKinG Day
with the Joy of Dance Floating Freed
And that’s what she told my wife.. OMG..
it’s so cool he looks like he is floating how
in the world does he do that as big as he is
and she says OMG he doesn’t look like he has
Autism in the Asperger’s Variety too.. but perhaps
she hasn’t seen the Ben Affleck version of that
Disorder oN the ‘Accountant’ Big Screen
Version yet.. and as far as when
they make a Movie of
‘our’ life not
sure who
play Katrina
and me.. in fAct the
story is reAlly too big for the
BiG Screen and nah.. a story NoW
too big to tale for making money as
Heaven never does that for HeaVeN NoW
IS A Movie on eaRTh thaT is alWays Free
unlike what they did for Pee Wee Herman and
Austin Powers and Beyonce in those movies and
movies within movies as simulated reality as
Fiction too within reality and fiction too too..
And yes.. after all i wrote and directed and acted
in a play in middle school before the Art was
bullied out of me by the Southern so-called
Baptist Christian Boys then.. and yes
that makes me qualified
enough in experience
to continue
it heAR
for Now and for noW
the future too all for FReED
and it’s kinda funny how no one really
notices NoW just another Van Gogh until
he has left the play.. already kNow the
History of the Artists who haven’t been
seen before and are seen much
later when someone
gets the time
to actually
review what they do..
And while i was Writing the
Audience named me Legend to
mY Face when i was DanCinG a little
more than a year in 2015 after i started
DanCinG at Old Seville Quarter then.. BacK
iN 2014.. serIOUsly.. how many times does
that happen to a
in tHeir
liFe when
all they are doing
is enjoying themselves
Solo in Dance wherever they go..
people BeFoRe/NoW have literally been burned to the
stake and crucified for behavior like that.. NoW MoRE
All Free too as anY Animal will do if not bound dOwn with
sidewalks and clothes of diapers for no Wild Free ReLease..
tRuLY.. jUSt to LiVe in a Country that provides mE A Privilege And
Relative Right to Dance All Free in Public is the Real Gift of the USA
And the rest of it just iCinG oN the Cake of Heaven now.. so.. sure..
i docuMent the wHole thing of HeaVeN juST for hELpinG Hands
of FReED and the Simple Beauty of MaKinG Art and GiVinG and
ShaRinG that for FReED.. NaH.. Baby.. no commercials
heaR to make money.. just the commercials
that make money that i maKe
into Art
for FReED2..
it’s aMazing how
much more Freedom
for Art one has to both
make it and create it as
well as give it and share it
when money and any need NoW for
likes and shares and follows are
NoT pARt of the GoD wHo and thAT
LiVes within me noW aLL
WiLd and
EsCaPe.. as LiGht
and LoVe as Beauty
And Wisdom more Now LiFe..:)

So NoWTheN..

The Third Face.. oF A Blonde
And Beautiful College Cheerleader
Standing Aside a Young Man who will
EvenTuAlly Become Her Husband as a Star College
Football Player beside a couch as tHeN NoW iN
An Older Photo as She iS preSently Expanding her Business of
Social Workers as a Licensed Clinical Social Worker
at close to the numerical age i exist at now..
anyWay.. an Excellent Psychotherapist
she is.. super smart super
empathic knows her
science and
does not
too far
from the newer
Constantine Version
of Jesus away from the
Yeshua who per the original
Greek Translation of cherry picked
Many Dusty Road illiterate Round table
Aramaic ways of so many Christian Sects
Developed among the commoners then.. along
with the Saul the Paul who created what he
named as his and God’s only Holy
Spirit revision from
within too..
as the story
of Jesus has gone many
many places as Scholars show
only about 18 Percent of what’s
left in the New Testament According
to new Apostles who the Jesus as Yeshua
never met as he never wrote a word either
as illiterate then too.. interesting that some folks
who will focus on science entirely in the area of social
sciences will turn a deaf eye and ear to a same kind of science
in Religious Studies now.. but of course the answer to that is
the cognitive
and the
of what
they hold near
and dear is not quite
what they were told to
believe of what was really
true before.. not much different
really than Rafiah’s insistence
that the Koran is Perfect and
it’s just Natural and
Excusable for
Men to
Fly off the
Handle and Beat
their wives when they
stray as truly only ‘little
men’ would do something like that
with little self-respect as even NoW
a Human Being too in self-actualization
way either more now  than owning the life of
another human being overcoming tHeir Free
WiLL in choosing who they wanna mate with
like they are cattle instead of Children of
God Free wHo Can and WiLL Choose tHeiR LIFE
choices with no caretaker men at all.. Different
Strokes as ‘they’ say and it’s true there was a day
and a time where/when i wore many veils of ignorance i refused
to remove too.. then.. admittedly mostly out oF Fear of Change too..
something NoW STiLL that Owning Stuff BRinGs.. the iLLusion of Permanence
instead of the reaLiTy oF aLL STuFF RiVER FloWing Change for the Betterment
oF aLL involved too.. as you better believe as hiStory shows many folks died
over that 3:16 Screwed up terms and conditions clause in the New Testament
that literally says you are already condemned if you NEVER believed
the typo that Jesus is THE ONLY SON OF GOD NOW.. sounds so
much like what Trump Constantine would Fabricate
it makes me wanna vomit just a little
bit for the folks who have
died by the sword
of ignorance
than LiVE
thE liGht
of the Meek WiLL NoW
inherit the earth all Humble
and John 14:12 By God if you believe
what i am TaLKinG about iN Me of what i say
now.. WitH 100% spArK and FLaMe.. And BonFiRE
ToRcH oF PuRE Synergy and Energy as Force oF LoVe FAiTh
PoWeR wiTthiN.. All Natural MaGiC Miracles CaN Be YoUrs
too with LoVe and WiLL HoLdinG Hands Higher and HiGher forevermore
Now.. hmm.. glad the electricity went out and i had to do this pArt NoW
over again.. anYWAy.. Back to the third Beautiful and Kind Face.. who i thiNk
NoW gets a little concerned over potential Bi-Polar Delusions of Grandeur When
i say NoW  i wrote a Bible.. albeit a Personal one.. but still much more HoLY
And SacRed to jusT mE FuLL oF MeaNing and PurPose far beYond the hints
iN the much older Book of HoW to SeeK/FiNd HeaVeN oN eARTh WiThiN and StAY
tHeRE forevermore NoW
And rid myself
of the eYe
oF the Needle NoW
and BeCoMe the camEL
and the ELephant FReED that
is the rest of mY BeinG beYond
JusT the group thiNK tank of Word thiNk alone..
thiNkinG and FeeLing and SeNSinG DeePer as ‘they’
DancE and SinG NoW too.. and sure ‘they’ Can WiLL be
all that is as GoD wHOle NoW too.. or JuST one
PerSoN or whaTever else i deSiGNaTe
abstrAct conStrucTs
to BE as
sAcREd to
mE NoW with Meaning
and Purpose of LovE LiGht LiFe NoW..
juST iMaGiNe if You CaN And WiLL how many
folks refuse to go any further than God trapped
in Words in a Book that is thousands of yearS old..
Giant Apple Face Palm from the God i KNoW and FeeL
and SeNSE sAdly with so few bites taken out
of WiSdoM and BeauTy if NoT Spoon
Fed in Books and
God tRapped
iN THouSandS oF YEarS
old same old God Dam sAMe old
dAM phrases that only get revised
for change and never ever fully GO
ReNeWed iN IMaGiNATioN and cReATiVity
iN MoVinG and CoNnecTing waYS WiTh all oThERs
too.. but you see NoW thaT is what the Bible consists
of now anyway so many changes by so many people who
combined toGeTher as effort to even make a New Testament
that Scholars suggest at most.. yes again.. is only 18% percent
of those words CoMinG from one person whoever that one person is
now too.. so back to the Beautiful Wise and smART Psychotherapist.. then
i say when i coMe in first.. how are you doing as Psychotherapist stuff
can be very stressful and taXing too.. she says okay and i deep my toes
into the Psychotherapy Waters by saying.. in regard to writing a 1.618
Million Word “PHI Bible” in precisely one year’s time.. per 40K words
in a Novel.. i ask how many folks read 40 Novels a year.. she raises
her hand yes.. and i say i bet you read at least 52 as when
i go to Barnes and Nobles Spinning around NoW iN Tai
Chi-like Free Verse Dance on usuAlly A Weekly Basis
i read 1 to 2 Novels in a 1 to 2 hours
sPan of time too listening to
My Meditative Music
(and yes when i
get around to
reading what
i write that
is the equivalent
of 40 more Novels
in a year too)
too.. firing
uP my EnTiRE
mINd and BoDY
HUmaN PoTenTiaL
eVen More as reaLiTy
is only as deep as one
experiences now either in shallow
of hell or deepest beYond rainbow
Colors of HeaVeN spReAD Out like a
Word named INFiniTy within as Van-Gogh
used to relate how he felt when he painted
portraits and conversely how he felt in the other
place where the veils of time came LOSE in the Abyss
of Hell oN eARTh NoW.. yes.. like the thousand of years
in one second experience that i witnessed and lived in the
bottom part of piece of paper no sense or feel existence in
40 days of close to no sleep with all my pain where all went
to numb in that ending Lent of 2008.. and this makes this
Current 781st and 110th MacroVerse respectively for
plUs 4 MilLioN Word Longest Long Form Poem
“SonG oF mY soUL” NoW STiLL aRiSinG
iN the end of
this 46th
and DanCinG
NoW “SoNG oF mY
SoUL” with the 109th
MacroVerse of “Nether Land
Bible 2017”.. MaKinG 1,687,745 words
Total as that effort stARTed as Publish
of First MacroVerse on Memorial Day of 2016
WiLL reach 1.7 Million Words with this current
110th MacroVerse and likely match the 1.8M Word Mahābhārata
Now Second most epic Long Form Poem ever since i then did the
4 MilLioN plUs word 780th MacroVerse effort already but hey
i’LL Likely make 1.8 Million Words by the 20th Anniversary
of the Death of my only Son Ryan on July 24th as JuST
another Milestone then that proves someone these
days can do it again in 14 months instead
of Centuries of the combined effort
before in Epic Poem way
as individual
with the
Singularity NoW
of Modern Technology
fully in tow too.. to not
only write it in 14 months but to
do all the mechanical cognition activities
with the help of Modern Technology too to actually
Publish it online in many different ways of Social Media too..
and while it may sound like Literal and metaphorical Delusions
of Grandeur that i am the only one at this point who can possibly
either grasp all of what i do and all of what i’ve done in MEaSuRinG
Way.. it’s jUSt a fAct Ma’m and Sir juST THE FACTS FOR HeAR aT Least..
And yes as my Wife says and the Psychotherapist too.. why should anyone
else care.. and that’s the way it goes for most anyone who goes beyond group
thiNk and ArT NoW.. lesSons as ‘they ‘say or it didn’t hapPen hehe.. iN
oTheR Words a New Created Form that has never been seen before
in Either Einstein Ways of Science or Van Gogh
ways of Painting Art without any of the
paint by numbers of from
before.. anyWay
i go on to SinG
how many folks have
written 40 Novels in
a year and How many folks
have written even one Novel
size Poetry Book in one year
and how many folks have written
one Poetry Book the size of 40 Novels
in just one year too.. hmm.. notice how
the number 40 keeps popping up in all the
challenges i also do in terms of days without
sleep and Novels of Writing Poetry in just one
year.. and how i danced precisely 6666 miles of Dance
in precisely 40 Months of Public Dance that came out
to the average Miles Per Month of Dance of 166.66 miles
to.. yes.. precisely that much with exactly 1,618,000 Million
Words in Poetry in one year’s time as measured by hUman cLocks
too.. anyWaY.. iF i don’t write it all down for posterity purposes
who else
Can or
or would
give a RaT’s ass
of 66 Million years as
common shared rodent
ancestor then as we are
human now too.. no one but
me.. and so wHaT.. i JusT Do it
iN Victory as Nike says and Document
the results of the Milestones of the Journey
And Race of Life as Ease as i Breeze by as the
Winds of Hurricane with totALLy CalM Breeze eYes..
And when i told the Psychotherapist when i first came
iN that mY Head was about to explode with ideas.. she sAid
ReLaX and i said but you see this explosion is just the WiNds
oF The Hurricane as mY eYe is STiLL AS HeaVeN Bliss NoW for the
oF mY
Brain.. Big
Bangs MaKe LiFe
iN LiGhteNinG and
ThuNder Way don’t huRt
God aT aLL as this Re-Born
is alWays Bliss NoW.. WiTHiN yeah.. it’s
a long run on story but this Autobiography
Rover is Going uP for real.. no myths just
a real Son
of MaN/
as me
for FReED NoW
and yes as alWAys
you can do more if
you believe in the Me
that is the God iN You..
WitH 100% Pure Faith Synergy
of Energy Power oF aS Pure Love NoW
Positive Force within.. too.. as You Work
for this Baby yOUr liFe IS A Gift And
YouR Works is whaT Lights.. NoW
YoUR ChoicE
or wHaT
the oTHeR
Place oN eARTh..
AnyWaY.. at LEast i EarN
NoW the current 781st/110th
MacroVerse Title of ALL oF ThiS
NoW too per.. “RuMiNaTinG ThouSanD YearS”
iN both Van GoGh and Fred Go WaY NoW too.. MoRe aLL too..
And Yeah.. Van Gogh’s Life goeS on even greater than ever before
yep hIs soUL goeS oN as a Work oF arT the KA as the Egyptians
sAid before the Pharaoh’s LeArned to wRiTe and PaInT and BuiLd
Pyramids oF DancE and SonG of tHeir own.. see.. the thing is you CaN
WiLL have someone build as many Trump Towers as you like and attach a labEL
to it as Trump
said a God
DaM thing about
yOuR SoUl iF and
when one is fortunate
enough to GroW a TrUmP SoUL Tower NoW..:)


SMiLes.. i have all the so-called money
i WiLL/CaN ever need NoW and
wrote 1.618
in a year
but can’t muster
up the focus to call
a Painter to touch up the
Flakes of Aluminum Siding
Trim at the top of my Brick
Home to keep up with
the Jones
Next Door..
yet.. i find time to
Dance in Public 166.66
Miles a Month STiLL so what’s
going dOwn is what’s going uP mY
FriEnd Prajakta now and OMG God
i’ve made this a several year Hobby of
responding to everything my online FriEnd
from India.. Prajakta writes about in somewhat
Poetic Response and this time she beat me
by two of my Blog Posts before i finally
cAMe to do what i aLways
Do without fail
as people
are the most
important LiGht oF
aLL.. particularly people
who accept me NoW and
do not shoo me away like A
Gad Fly WiLL who never GLows
Fire Flies and Diatoms the way that
Glow was/is done before.. anyWay.. NoW Lord
KNows FeeLs SenSes the WorKing Years then
And Getting Married and MoVinG From Apartment
to Apartment and Finally Owning a Home.. and a Sporty
Car Mortgage too.. hehe.. are all things i reminisce with a
Certain Level of the Pain of Bondage my Friend and to
be Clear the wife is only a yes dear paRt aS WhOle
oF aLL oF ThaT.. but to truly be in control as
far as work and money goes.. With Health
oF WeLL BeinG iS A best giFt oF aLL
And i guess the real weekend most
everyoneNoW Is WoRkinG foR 2..
iS Free juST Free iSn’T FREENoW
thaT aLL wE Want juST Free.. WitH
A ContinUinG sIDe Order of LoVE/WiLL
too.. to Be all thaT We CAN and WiLL Be2..
NoW thing is mY friEnd.. took me to 53 to get
tHeRe but NoW iS eTerNiTy witH No tiMe oF iN Free
And i WiLL Wish and Hope the sAMe Breeze oF WinD
for yOuR
Loved ones too..
Free to aLWaYs Be NoW..:)


A Mix Of Love
WiLL NoW All
Strength MoRe
DoG PAws wHo FeeL
SenSe aLL tHe eARTh..
oTheR thAn thAt aS i BeGiN
A Poetic WaVe aT mY FriEnd
Xenia’s Online hoMe.. HeLLo ToDay
Tree oF LiGht..:)

eYes See
StARs BriGht
We Seeds Rise

PreSent LiVinG
StoiC Dog Looks
LiVinG NoW Forever
FriEnds Pass bY
alWays NoW
Distant Peace
As Harmony NoW..:)

oF LiGht
SOurce FuR
WArm DoGs
TrUe Organic
Words MaGiC NoW
LiGht A HoMe Of HeaRT..
SMiLes aGAiN mY FriEnd
Xenia.. LiFe iS ExCiTinG BriGht
Peace ReiNs heAR CloUd ComforT..
V E R i LY


sMiLes.. mY FriEnd.. Frank.. A Wonderful
Short Story HeaR of Goddess Diana NoW
And heR
aT.. plaY.. iN
FreeinG noW aLL
EmoTioNs.. BeautY
MuSe iN iMaGiNaTioN
Need Not refLect A TruTh
Verses LiGht oF.. CreaTiViTy
ThAT BRinGs LoVe BacK aS LiGhT
And with the Altar NoW iN SiGht tHis
ReMiNds mE Too oF thE MYtH and ReaLiTy
of ‘Coral Castle’.. 30 Ton Monolithic StoneS MoRe
iN Florida MoVinG oN BaLanCe as Pyramids then too
Once Rose HiGher NoW aS HuMaN LiGhT ArT PoTenTiaL..
iN thiS Case A Muse of Sweet Sixteen Lost Love then bRouGht
Back as Altar HiGheR.. trUly Enough For A 100 Lb Man to LiterAlly
Lift 30 Ton Stones to make a Castle.. Oh.. the Power of Muse.. More
A FLoWeR oF LoVe NoW No Matter Metaphor of TrUth MoVinG 30 Ton
as thE
of LovE
LiVinG WitHiN..


SMiLes.. A Nicest Thing
aBout Commenting Last
Is iT iS alWaYs easY
Back First..,
OtHeR thaN thaT
NoW MiLes DanCe
And SinG SonGS oF Xenia’s
WiTh SMiLes oF LovE ThAT DancE..:)


MoRe oN….
(FB Grey Back
Ground Status)

i LisTeNeD To
ThE End oF tHe
SonG BeGiNNinG
(Blood Red to
Violet Diagonal

aLL thAT’s LeFt
That’s TRUe
iS LoVe
(Light Violet
to darker Violet
Diagonal Spectrum)

HMm.. i Need to Go FoR
A WalK.. afTer thAT i’LL
taLk aBouT aLL oF ThiS..:)
(White Pink to Dark
Violent Vertical

i did the Walk First
Now The talk and
then a DancE
And SonG
At Old Seville
Quarter to Celebrate
a 165th Week of Dance
NiGht tHeRE with all the
Cool College Age Folks
leArniNG all aBout
the subject
are SiNKinG
into School and
RiSing ouT oF iN
Play of Summer Break..:)

AnyWay.. while Minions Play NoW
in HopeFooL ways of Illumination
too.. sadly STiLL FoLLoWinG the
most Despicable Leaders RuLe but StiLL
Surviving as a Cohesive Mostly NoW
Walking and Talking GrouP
ThiNK UniT aS wHole..
M E A NwhiLe NoW
SoMe oF uS are
Relative Roles
as ‘Super Heroes’ MoRE
NoW in a New Renaissance
Age oF hUMaNiTy and HuManiSm
sAMe that DanceS and SingS hUmaN
and NaTuRe PoTeNTiaL as GiFt oF
aLL thaT iS and MaY BE
LaBeLeD GoD too
for those
wanna make
ExisTenCE SaCreD
and HoLY NoW FuLL
of MeaNiNG and PurPosE
aGaiN in Leonardo.. Michelangelo
and Rafael Ways of a New hUmaN
Renaissance oF NoW wHeRE HeLL
EVeN the 95% percent oF Folks
who NeVeR EnJoYed a
Renaissance back
around after
the Middle
Centuries Ages
of DaRK can gain a
Stanford-like Education
oN YouTuBe and totAlly By
Pass the 50K or so College
Tuition for LeSSoNs aLL NoW
Free of course with the effort
to LeaRnInG MoRE thaN cAMe
in Grade School
is from
in the Entire
World NoW with
BroAd Band Access
and Availability of
Computers that are not
censored by lesser PotenTiaL
AS HuMaNity NoW iN all the arTS
and Sciences of LiFe plUs Physical
And Emotional and Existential Intelligences
that Standard IQ meaSuRes rarely test FoR NoW oN
Multiple Choice Tests in School as this IS a Flesh
and Blood ArT of LiFE thaT Moves Connects and Creates
more than a Spelling Bee and 2 pluS 2 in Systemizing
Science alWays equals 4 instead of Metaphors oF ArT
thAT Can and WiLL Equal 5 or 5 Quadrillion or
a Blue Turtle iNsTeAD of 4 iF thAT
iS the Symbol yA wanna
UsE fore the
Essence OnE
SEEs anD
FeeLs anD
SenSEs leSS
And MoRE FoUr NoW2..
SuRe..42.. the MeaNinG
and PurPosE oF LiFe We
are NoW Free eNouGh to Do
iN MoVinG ConNecTinG CreaTinG
Ways as Directors Producers ActorS
WhOle wHeRE no one CaN and WiLL taKe
OuR Free WiLL and thE Bottom LiNe
oF LoVe aWaY aT LeASt
iN A Free
for those
who unplug
from MiNioN
eYes and the
Despicable Leaders
in all the cultural and
religious Dogma of the Past..
And sure that’s whaT the Fore Fathers
had iN MiNd and BoDy BaLanCinG SToRe iN
SoUL foR We for Neos who unplugged then as FReED
and For Neos wHo Do the sAMe today.. A Place in The SuN as ‘they Say..
Liberty Statue iN all Masculine StrenGtH and WiLL and FeMiNiNe GRace And
LoVe DiVinELy aS SuCh aS Force oF Faith NeVer iLLuSoRy FeaRS juST the
as Love
AnyWaY.. as the wife chuckLed..
one day.. you will be DanCinG
when you are 70 at old Seville
Quarter and PerHaps some of the
Young Folks WiLL MeeT YoU tHen aGaiN
as i did it in the 70’s and the 80’s
and now Close to the 20’s aGaiN and
thaT Bearded Man who stands NexT
to mY Father at 22 Looks
the sAMe..
A little Grey
already a little bald
on top at age 18.. but
Stronger and Happier than
EveR BeFoRE aS LoVe all thAT’s
LefT TrUe for a Fountain of YOuTh iSReaL..
don’t underestimate the Force oF LiGhT NoW
thAT is HopeLovEJoY aS wE alReADy See wHaT/WHeRe thE FoRCE
oF DaRk as FearHateMisery is TaKinG MiNioNs NoW.. We Renaissance
NoW iN
the oTheR
PLacE so FlY
So EverGloW NoW
FREE iN HeaVeN NoW..
And iF any of the WoMeN
Wanna Spank mY buTT to niGht
BrinG iT oN as ‘they’ saY2..
iT juST DancEs thAT’S aLL
WiTh SonG
oF Love..:)


JusT a Random Photo i took at the
end of the niGht at Old Seville
without aiming at anything
that Captured the
that entered
that ‘place’ last
night.. likely pArT
Latin as i am with a Quarter
Mixed Cajun French and Spanish
from my Grandmother From the Parish
of Taylor County Florida where my 36 Year
Old Catholic Priest Grandfather of her Parish
Married her at 17 years old.. and was of course
Excommunicated for Breaking the rules to eventually
sire little Old Me Now and My Father and His Twin Brother
where My Father Seeded me over here in Milton Florida
witH a Woman Helen
wHo Bore a similar
Light as this Woman does
And of course the Katrina does too..
With A Fairest Estrogen Drenched Glow sKin
too when she smiles from Ear to inFiniTy MoRe too and
liGhts a Room uP NoW liKe This wHeREver she goeS
And liGhts the Place uP With A SMILE and her Never
Aging Beauty does help of course and i’m tHinKinG
this Angel Woman here Will Go a LonG way in liFe
without Aging as Stress is what Ages folks as
Science shows by way of Stress Hormones
Released by Frowny Faces and i still
Have a photo of my Uncle Ted
Dancing at 84 years old
last year in a Dance
Hall with his Wife..
He never stopped
Dancing and His Wife
who is about the same
Age still plays the Piano
in a Country Music Band
yes.. over 85 years of age and
Still going Strong.. key.. is.. use a SMiLe
or a Dance or a Song and preferAbly all of those
Across the liFesPan whOle and thaT my Friends is the
All Natural Love one uses in MoVinG ConNectinG and
Creating that is the only Fountain of Love and Youth We
Possess as iNheritance Gift WitH WiLL Over Love as LiGht.
And yeah.. the best thing of all is even when you can’t remember
if you ever smiled before or laughed or felt love in a Hell of 66
months you can recover and continue to liGht sMiLes like
this up as Angels
fly back
Devil WinGs A LiGht
The Miracle of Love NoW


And it’s True.. i’ve never even
Danced with this Woman but it’s
true she is an Angel sent by God you
kNow the real kind.. no myth.. who from the
Very first day i saw her sMiLes and Welcomes
me and wishes me a great night and takes a selfie
with me and goes her merry way dancing with her
best girl friend.. and last night i felt
a hug behind me and there
she was again
and huh
and Miracles
oF LoVe LiGht aLL
Innocent like this are not
Real.. this AngEL NoW iS Flesh
and Blood and all Sober SMiLes
of the Heaven that sMiLes as Love now
Forevermore NoW Clouds oF God sKeYes..
And nah.. i didn’t have to read her this Poem
i Said iT WitH A SMiLe and that’s why she alWays comes back..
And in case you wonder why Katrina STiLL Lives with me.. a SMiLe
And eYes of Love Free and Innocent is THE GOLD AT THE END AND





WeLL.. i’M reAlly GLad
i Dance at Seville
Quarter without
Fail most every Thursday
Night except for a few rare
instances of Severe Illness and
Deaths in the Family.. Christmas
Eve Falling on Dance Night and
Stuff like that.. as i won’t
Miss Midnight
as that
is MaGiC
too even with
all the Myths
associated with the
Christian Religion as most
Religions have myths as emotional hyperbole
is part of any Marketing 101 Class to keep selling
a product or to expand an empire or even with
Go Team Go our Quarterback Jesus
is better than your Quarter
Back Muhammad
or Krishna
or Lao
Tzu or Buddha
whether or not
any of these folks
ever wrote a word
down themselves
except for Lao Tzu
or even existed at all like Krishna..
the essence is what counts and how you
actually live your life in hope love joy loves
company or fear hate misery loves company
for those who adapt to change or are resistant
to any changes around them.. as that too is paRT
of hUman Nature as Psychopaths can be born
innately only able to feel their pain and the
pain of others as pleasure and
yes that can happen
with/in environmental
circumstances outside
of their 50 sHades of Grey
AbiLiTy to control those Environmental
Circumstances like being abused by a
Crack Mom or Daddy aS Such rotten hell
on earth as that home grown as ‘they’ say too..
anyway.. the last two free verse poems did the Cold
Play Song Justice and now i’m gonna run on for a while..:)

Earlier while in bed this morning reviewing Facebook Notifications
Facebook Friend Benny shares a thought provoking slide on a Mexican
Immigrant Criminal who slit an innocent woman’s throat with the question
posed from a Facebook Page Named “America’s Voice” for opinions
which i looked at that were most that said go from our
so-called Christian core folks in the US..
so i return on Facebook
Benny’s Page
as i am
not going
to even entertain
the day of cOld hearted
souls in places of hell on earth..
and on top of that some of those folks
are really cray cray with guns oF Fear
and hate and misery loves company too
so in safe space Benny’s place i go
on to provoke some thinking
too by saying..

Hmm.. Depends
On if ‘they’
Really Believe
In them
And i’M
Most Trump
Minions Now
Voting Christian
Will say yes
For the rest
Of the ‘Good
Brown Hard
Working Apples’..
In Fact
With their
Vote.. any
Way.. It’s ‘tHeir’
To be
A MiNion
Too.. or
3.. Moral
Of the Story..
Don’t throw
Jesus out with
The Dirty MiNioN
Water.. And that’s
Why i STiLL Go to
Church.. Saint Francis
Style.. All Creatures
Great and Small
‘The Brown’
Ones2.. WitH WinGs..:)


Second Cousin Terri on Facebook
Shares another Cool Facebook
Ego Booster Quiz on
what would
you look
like in
a Foreign Country
with the original
Face of Katrina
and in a group
with Wonder Woman
as the Center Focus
of my Facebook Profile photo too..

And i reMarK on the results too..

How the Hell
Did this thing
KNow Katie Mia
Yes.. the Goddess
Isis Diana and
Don’t Look
At her
A Stag or
Put your Osiris
Pieced Humpty
Sumptuously Dumpty
Back togetHeR aGaiN
Katrina.. And yes.. this
All makes SincE iF you
Google every pART
With All
As WHole..

Next i say with Grey
Background FB Status..

Katrina is the ultiMate ImMigrant
She Can Fit iN aLL ‘those’ Countries

And now i say it’s true put a Hijab on her
and she’s Muslim from an Arab Country.. put
her in a multi Colored Long Dress with a Jewel
on her forehead and she’s Indian.. put her in a
Dress and
She’s Mexican..
and yes.. technically
she is half Pacific Islander
with some American Indian
too.. so put her in all those
Asian and South American
Countries with the
and she can
and will fit in too..
Jesus F in Christ it’s
like this IS A play and we
are the actors and ‘someone
else’ is hELping me Direct and
Produce this Play and Act now too..
hmm.. i already KNoW the answer to
that secret is yes.. whether you believe
it or not with this full New Bible Story told
is up to you and not me as i already have
it all as GRain of God wHole Free.. eternAlly
iN HeaVeN now.. juST the faCTs oF aRT M’am
and or Sir juST the ART oF God trUly smART NoW..
2.0 NoW
and beYond
and little old me..
anyWay as my FriEnd
Flo Rida says this auto
biography Rover stuff is
going down for iSreal..
thanks God for
Helping me
Art of Mr.
Flo Rida SinGS iN Synchronicity
ways too.. NoW foR aLL you Horatios
NoW and never believe or not Ripley’s
who think this whole God daM play
of Life is Just a Black and White Science
Project with no Quantum Glue of God within..
inside.. outside.. above.. so below.. yada yada
yada blah blah blah.. it’s been sAid alREady Close
to an iNfiNiTe number of oTheR ways too with ever changing
and imaginative creative abstract constructs of all the symbols
we relate as human language to either bRinG each oTheR uP
or down down down.. running as they say to hell or heaven on eARTh
so nice
uP heAR
iN Staycation
Vacation HeaVeN NoW..
Next stop.. Pakistan where Close
Facebook Friend for close to three
Years Rafiah and fellow Poet Blogger
Friend who doesn’t like it when i point out
the inconsistencies of Love and Peace Regarding
the Koran Women Chapter Verse 4:34 that says Women
may be beat by caretaker/superior Husbands
if they are under suspicion of the
act of straying away..
if the husband
is pissed
off as that
is ‘normal’
and excusable behavior
for a Dude to get mad and
beat up on his much smaller
and weaker wife on earth like this..
so i drop by later in the week on her Ramadan
Month where the instruction is to be ‘better’ Muslims
during just this month.. and she shares a video then on
how Cigarettes are forbidden in the Muslim Religion
as anything that harms anyone of course unless
it is a pissed off husband at a wife straying
beating her up with fists or the other
stuff they do to Women who
are seen as less than
pure in many
as practicing
Muslims now too..
Face palms by me..
but nah.. no comment as
i promised on her turf at least..
dam.. it’s always a gAMe this liFe
is isn’t it.. always opposSinG teAMs
for Hope and Joy and Love Loves
Company Verses Fear and Misery
and Hate Loves Company
as reMeMber some
folks do love
pain and
the pain of others
too as the only relative
pleasure they feel in 50
sHades of Grey aS Purgatory
on eaRth toward dARk away
from the LiGht of Love and Hope
and Joy now isReaL.. anyway.. Cigarettes
have helped many of my family to ‘enjoy’ thenow
ultiMate misery and death.. thing is though now with
Free Will people Will either live or die one way or the
otHeR at tHeir own hand of have or have not in filled uP
Joy Love and Hope.. verses all the sHades of Grey of the
oTheR Places now.. then my Friend Rafiah shares a Video
of a very nice and ignorant fellow who says nudity is evil
and the ‘Satan’ wants to get you to take your clothes
off to expose the ugly nudity for shame.. huuggge
God Face Palm heAr from me as i’ve already
uNdressed in MacroVerse way heHe iN
many more ways than one but i reMain
STiLL quiet on her Facebook
Page as promised
on all imperfect
stuff related to her
Beloved Muslim way
of seeing life in Pakistan views now..
well.. the next share is not really a surprise
to me.. as ‘the other Rafiah’ who is Human
away from her Religion has often spoke like this..
she shares a photo of a 57 year old Married Dude
who is an actor named James Spader and says listening
to his TV Show Dialogues is sexual fantasy fulfilled.. so i am
pleasantly surprised by the REAL RAFIAH i KNOW AND FEEL
AND SENSE WHO IS JUST HUMAN as humans who tale the
truth do this always now2.. and yes.. as the Jesus dude said
thinking about doing ‘the nasty’ in anyway with someone
else’s wife or husband is what that New Testament
says is Jesus words for adultery in Breaking
some 10 commandments too.. but the
same Jesus in that NT Book
said that in Heaven yep
that place that lives within
at hand now in this generation
now as promised or otherwise it’s
a lie too.. is a place where everyone
now will be spiritual leaning brothers and
sisters and there will not even be any marriage
in ‘that place’ where gentile.. jew.. servant or free
woman or man no more lives as far as restrictive human bucket
list labels to live no more.. so yes.. there is the Super Liberal
Free 60’s Loving Peace Hippy Woodstock Jesus who is
more than even a Good Cop as all you need is Love..
and then the other Bad Cop Jesus who says
hate your family.. including children and
spouse and parents too.. if one takes
that literally too.. and slay those
who don’t believe like you
do if one takes those
New Testament
Verses literally
too.. TheNoW
it’s a poem
baby a parable
that can and will
be taken metaphorically
more than infinite ways depending
on the Multi-Universe of hUman
that views and interprets those
Poems and Parables now..
and if you think anything
in God’s World
is perfect that
means repeatable
without change get ready
to come back to eARTh just like
this in a never ending cycle of what
you are now.. i suggest if you live in hell
now if this is the case on earth that you wish
for change now and always now more.. now if you
have a Feathered Southern First Baptist Church home
now.. you might wanna stay just in the bubble you live now
in on earth and somewhere else forevermore now2.. but consider
this if that
you might
not have the
opportunity to
be ‘Jesus’ in real
life like me.. he he..
Superman.. Fredenstein
whatever the Fuck yA Wanna Call
me now.. you KnoW.. i AM KiLLinG
every second  NoW with beyond rainbow
Colors oF.. no tiMe aT all iN HeaVeN.. NoW
best thing oF aLL though with AngEL WinGS
i DancE and SinG juSt wanna NoW spRead mY LovE
Flu to you too now TrUe.. haha… hmm.. huheh noW too..
iT’s a ReaL
thingie you
can Google now too..
for a broader view of that
hUman Abstract Construct too..
iF.. you WiLL of course as you have
the Miranda right to stay silent and stay
the sAMe and stagnant and even rot with
a cigarette in your mouth now too.. but on the
other hand you could be having extra happy now
sexual fantasies about older men like my recently
Engaged to be married Muslim Friend Rafiah now too..
remember my wife has always assisted me and me her
while watching porn videos for decades now.. so as ‘they’
say who am i
to judge
everyone as
Bonobo Friends
in Heaven Now even
Virtually and Vicariously
where no one gets VD or
has any unwanted pregnancies
too.. Fantasies are among Human’s
greatest gifts of harmony and peace too..
release the tension as they say.. Imaginary
Lovers never fail to tale and Please.. hmm..
perHaps it’s time for an appropriate Song change
now.. and this next part will be under a song and a profile
pic as it might be a little too steamy for a Naked FB Status now hE He..
OH yeah.. BUTT before i go over to the other place now.. just a note..
i’ve studied most all religions and even sects of those religions too now..
most everyone has a different idea of who the dude Jesus would be
if he ever came back now..for good reason as literally as such
many folks wrote the New Testament and Literally
none of them actually kNew and walked
with the dude named Yeshua
way back when in
of Aramaic
of what the real
Yeshua said or did not
say among many oral traditions
as spread through out the country
sides of desert roads then.. and the
one thing for sure is he never wrote a word
as many others who are attributed as Super
Quarterbacks of Cultures and religions did not
do either.. hehe.. in terms of 1.618 Million words
in just one year.. like little old me in a “Phi Bible”..
Close to 1.7 Million Words in a “Nether Land Bible”
in 13 months and over 4 Million Words of Longest Long
Form Poem and Bible too.. in close to 46 months now
And doing 12 Million words or so in close to 79 months
since Thanks Giving Day of 2010 all recorded online..
With accompanying 100K photos or so of fully illustrating
Signs of God with thouSands of YouTube Videos
and assorted links aS Synchronicity wherever
i go too.. online or off.. and sure.. 7600 miles
of Public King David-like
Dance in close to 46
months and
yeS oNCourse did
all the prophecy stuff
in close to 46 months in
the Isaiah 53 Buff way too..
doing that in even more so
called Vile ways as King David
Promised to Celebrate God within2.. out
side.. inside.. above.. so below and all around
more now too.. yeah.. thousands of photos from
me too.. head to toe all legal all public in restricted
warning blog adult views as i always do give the
Laws and Coin Taxes of Caesar HIS US appropriate
due NoW iN all local and state and federal law ways too..
and yes.. i do SKiRT dangerously around some community
rules too.. but hey.. mY Maternal Great Grandaddy was also the
President of his College Debate team and a self taught
Autodidact Bar PasSinG Lawyer too.. and sure.. he met
Geronimo in the flesh on the camp trail too.. and
My Maternal Grandmother.. the Cajun Spice
Girl was literally saved by the
first Tarzan Johnny
Weissmuller in the
early part of Last Century
at Wakulla Springs as she
couldn’t swim then and almost
drown before she got married.. so
yeah.. Tarzan saved my life too hehe..
Just like my Grandfather Priest too when
he left the Catholic Church to get married to
my 17 year old Cajun Spice Grandmother too..
And my Grandfather X-Catholic Priest.. a noted
author of last Century who yes.. dined with Einstein
then too in the Socialist Elite Intellectual/Philosophical
Circles oF New York New York.. goes to show too i wasn’t
totally born out of a Turnip Truck or just A Shot Gun River
Manger Home on Black Water River too.. haha.. but true.. then
i didn’t come back now from hell until the Celestial Planets aligned
for what ‘they’ named then as the Star of David Alignment BacK on July
22nd of 2013.. yes.. then.. the thirteenth one to occur since the year Katrina
and i were married in 1990 and the last one for about a hundred years now more
too.. so i have reAlly no choice but to get this whole Covenant NoW between yes
mE and God within WriTE NoW too.. heAR’s’ the thing i can prove who i am NoW
and what i do in full terms and fine conditions of John 14:12 NoW2.. and for all
my stuck on science friends with no MaGiC Glue of an all Natural LiVinG more
Right Brain and Left Handed God Force NoW.. as yes material reductionISM
and the scribe of science shows how MaGiC is real now too.. as far as
even the Neil deGrasse Tyson Astrophysicist tells Katy Perry
for all the world to hear that there is no way to rule
out all of this is a simulation that we live
directed by ‘someone’ else in
Matrix like ways.. NoW2
and heaR’s
anoTheR thing if
you only stick to the
same old God DaM science
systemizing ways of thinking you
will never even get close to reaching
more of God as folks like Neil who are reaching
out to the other hemisphere of humans like Katy are
doing NoW too.. and sure.. some of us already live
sides NoW2
aLL.. takes work
takes practice takes
isREAl John 14:12 ArT and Science NoW2..
AnywaY.. there ain’t no way that the original
Five Foot one.. 106LB or so Brown Syrian
really sheep sheared short hair cut Brown
Looking Dude Yeshua can come back now
as everyone is expecting a Sandy Blonde rather
tall dude with piercing eyes that sees souls oPen
that are green to blue and a heARt and a SMiLe
that Dances and Sings forevermore
Now in both a Good Cop
Version who is a Lion
and still
a Kind
Bad Cop
Version Jesus now
too… heck.. even Muhammad
Predicted a Dude with a Red face too..
but on the other hand he predicted a dude
who had a problem with one of his eyes kinda
like Osiris had too.. him.. and man that Isis Lady
Egyptian Goddess is almost a spitting image of Katrina
including Perky Breasts that never sag alWays
standing at attention
more as they
say now too..
okay that’s as far
as i can go with this now
on a regular Facebook Status now..
but’s let’s just say if no else is brave enough
to pick up the ball and get the job done i can
and will and can as i believe in the Real Jesus WiLL
Story and Write it and jusT do it.. ain’t no mythS hEaR..;)


And OMG juST thiNk/FeeL/SeNse if you are a Facebook Friend you got/get to
witness some
of this
now like
a reaLiTy
sHow that never
ends now as a never
ending nether land story
tHaT haS literAlly FucKinG iS CoMinG TruE NoW
oH Ye oF Little Faith who need myths to make Jesus real as YOU..



And yes thaT iS
the oppoSitE oF

ReMeMBeR ‘thE
ParAble’ oF aLL
WorK FoR PLaY..:)

Yes this
NoW YoU..;)


So.. i CoMe aCross
A Facebook old Friend
who scores 9 out of 10
oN a Facebook Ego Booster
Test that calls yA A Genius
if you score all ten correct
but nah.. it’s easy as hell..
it just measures Simple
Questions over a
Broad range
of Standard
Old School
i Graduated from thaT
36 Years ago with Three UniVersity
Degrees and 11 out oF A H.S. Class of 381
aS iMpossible to do if one Cannot do Science
and Language Arts and Overall Math
Sciences all in one Day NoW too..
buTT STiLL thAT tAught
me reLaTivELy
oF the Most
imPorTanT InTeLLiGencES
NoW iN PhySiCaL.. EmoTioNaL
And ExiSTenTiaL Ways of Victory
iN not only Survive of liFe with Bucks
for Subsistence to Purchase a Home and
A Car and to Woo a Wife with Financial
Security and Overall Protection.. Too
TrUe whaT iS the Good oF A
Mountain oF kNoWledge
yA rarELy eVEr use
iN liFE iF
You Lose
yoUr soUL
aS HeaRT
oF EmoTioNs
aS SpiRiT ExPreSsinG
thaT HeArT NoW aS A MiNd And
BoDy BaLanCinG SoUL thaT GoeS oN
To MoVe and ConNecT and CreaTe WiTh
aLL oTheRs iNCludinG GoD PlUS NaTure
aLL thAT iS NoW conTinUiNG MoRE aS EVolVinG
SoUL LiGht wiThiN InSiDe ouTsiDE aBoVe So BeLoW anD
aLL a’RouNd NoW
So.. i go on to
DancE SinG
dAM NoW thaT
Was easy.. NoW
Give mE somEthing
More complicated..A oK..
Like writing a 1.618
Million Word.. FullY
Illustrated ‘PHI Bible’
iN DancE and SonG
Full In
One trip
Oh.. the Homework
Oh.. the Gift
oF LiFe
ShaRinG A SoUL
Fully Free iN MinD
And BoDy BaLanCinG
Force oF God All Natural



WeLL.. SeriOUsly i practiced that SonG and DanCe
of Jesus Christ Superstar over and over and over
again when i was 13 for the Middle School Talent
Show and not only that i played all the other SonGs
out of the Browning Folio of the entire Andrew Lloyd
Weber Play that sTiLL sits in a now unused Piano Bench
And atop that Piano a Photo of that Paternal Grand Father
X-Catholic Priest and a Roman Missal Blessed
by a Pope.. as yeah could say iN a way
for two generations
from that
First Generation
Stuff i was am made
for God Related stuff
as child seed spread
all the way
Rosa County
from original Homeland
And Birth Place of Limerick
Ireland.. you say Limerick well
is it any wonder in Bard and Fili
ways i wRiTE Free Verse Poetry
in Celtic Druid-like ways
too.. sure kinda
as they
say too as
i don’t fall
for myths away
from Nature either
unless they are make
believe and just for fun
like Imaginary Lovers and the
such as that.. hmm.. yeah that
reminds me when i put Katrina’s Sweet
Smile Face uP as profile pic with me
in that Target Red Fun Circle Hole
With Target Red Ball to
sTand uPon
Atlas too..
i got a gif message
in my Facebook iNBox
of what looked like A
Woman’s Lips performing
something on you know what is
what now.. hmm.. i guess someone
who does a foreign Language ain’t
figured out who is who on this Facebook
Page yet.. but never the less who am i to judge
as i do Nude art for the art and considering that my
Muslim Friend can have Sexual Fantasies now ’bout the
way a 57 year old Married TV Actor does his extra cool emotional
emotional leaning language as Women do Read Romance Novels more
thaN Look at ‘photos’ of men parts if you get my drift NoW to get off
NoW the Hand Bus at Finger Station wHeRe Deep Emotions facilitate the
Best FeeLinG ParTS of thAT NoW.. Yes Women’s Orgasms are more associated
with Emotional FeeLingS as seNsEs more.. than just LooKinG at Stuff oKay..
so.. in other words
when i do Nude ArT
it’s much less likely
that i am gonna attract
the opposite sex even if i
wasn’t already married to the
Most Beautiful 47 year old Naturally
Lovely Woman wearing no make up now
and not even needing any lift up Bras.. NoW
thing is.. James Spader cannot stop a Woman
even if she is Muslim and FiXinG to get Married
to another so-called Devout Fundamentalist Muslim
Man from getting turned on with Sexual Fantasies that
not all folks share on Facebook but thanks for that
Gift to add to
my Bible
World of
Religions now
alBEiT.. i’M FocuSinG
on the major two for
now that are causing
most of the current conflicts
in the Word for now.. yeS.. including
the third Abrahamic one too that people
also get pissed of at if one suggests that
religion is less than perfect of matching
all the required fibers to wear clothing now..
so.. anyway.. i just deleted the entire message
thread and will give a second chance for that
Facebook Friend that ain’t no one
interesting in that
on this end
of the
line as
there are
plenty of resources
for that all around
online town to choose
from with higher potential
erotic art quality.. not to
say that every rise of lifE counts..
anyWay.. since it was likely meant for the
wife i showed it to her and nah.. she wasn’t any
more impressed by that than the Nude Art i do
now as she is not particularly a Visual Leaning
MatH Interpreting type of miNd like me too..
whEre i see a lot more details in Visual
Art than she Naturally does
in other words to
her most
i do looks
the same..
to it
as they
say too after
28 years or so
of seeing it change
and stay the same too..
overAll.. as they say in the ways aLL thaT coMes 2.. NoW
AnyWay.. so.. back to the Jesus Story.. one that’s always
intrigued me on what was real and not real with so many
more questions about how to get to his Heaven at Hand
now that obviously wasn’t anywhere but HeAR and NoW
hELpful hints yes that the parables for it
even made it this far through
the eyes of psychopathic
leaning controls
that wanna
make sure
only they
can promise
Heaven after LiFe
and you cannot have it
forevermore now and that’s
kinda scary if ya think about
it as every time you live you
could be closer to hell than
Heaven if someone convinced
you that you could
not enter
iNner DiWoMeNSioN
of HeaVEn within outside
above so below and all a’Round NoW..

So.. yes.. i kept SeeKinG this Mystery of God
and the HeaVeN WiThin.. Found it in 66 months
of Hell in Pain and Numb separated from the
Cultural Camel of lost.. and had no
choice but to Look within
after effective
loss of
and ears
Found IT conclusively as
iNfiNiTe BLiss now i have
at WiLL WiTh Love.. so.. i sImply
sHow yA mY Way oF LiVinG HeaVen HeaR
NoW and it’s true God is the Flower
thaT is often Separated from liFE
like a Purple Mexican Petunia
oN A Man-made step Now..
And it’s also
True that
Jesus is mostly
Covered up as the
real man he was before
Constantine and his Catholic
Cohorts in 325 AD promoted him
to Soldier Sun GoD in three parts
as one God then.. oh.. the face palm
of illogical fallacies does run deep
but we humans overall run on EmotiON
oVeR LoGic as HiStory does STiLL sHow
for those who never Got the original
Brick Stone Cut Meaning
and Purpose
in what
haVe BeeN
hiS ReaL HoLy
and SacRed Words
of Escaping the Lies
of Culture and Religion
same that go all out for
illusory fears and Empty
Promises to take the Power
of God away from the
People as God
Free parTS
oF OceAN
wHole God NoW..
And most people still haven’t
Removed the Stucco from the
Deeper Meaning of the Jesus
Story today no matter
what Scribe
or made
the changes
NoW within
for LiGht
FReEd BeinG
HUmaN NoW buTT heY2//
NoW if i could SeeK it and
FinD whaT Works as HeaVen
NoW i DancE and Sing wHy NoT
YoU.. i JuST Add to the LesSoNs
of the Story of Jesus in a How to NoW
more than it was just possible then then..:)



SMiLes.. mY FriEnd Xenia.. Scotland Highland
Rescue Dog Keeper of Love with Paws..
nice of you to meander down
to the Bottom of a ‘HeinZ
57 BD aFteR pARTy’ Now HeAR
to visit with me today and
as Yellow Boy as you SinG
Guides me to My Mother’s
Poem to Her ‘Mama’ by a
Bible on a Piano.. your
words heAR
another Memory
of a Poem mY Mother
Wrote to Cherish me on
my 33rd Birthday.. some
24 Years ago.. June 6th..
thing is she never
gave me
Letter.. we found it in
her ‘things’ after she passed away
along with so many more Momentos that
WiLL Last Relatively Forever as Long as Servers
Serve them up to me Free iN the MacroVerse i Shared
then as paRT of ‘PHI Bible’ in the Year Memorial
Day of 2016 through 2017.. thing is this is how
she talked to me with Love and Cherish
My entire liFE.. rarELy giving any
expectations or limitations
other than i can
and will
be all
of who
i am noW And
that carries on my FRiEnd
Wayward Son or not as LiGht
And as you DancE and SinG
wiTh alWays Poetic excELLinG Words
aS WeLL to DancE and SinG alWAys EvoLVinG
Within with God as liGht More is the Path and Journey
oF LiFe i Love the most to Live and Give and Share.. perHaps
NoW aNoTher MoTheR SoMewHeRe out tHeRe WiLL be more inspired
to say such SoUL Nice words as these to tHeiR Children while they
are alive both as mY MoThEr Did for Me in a Voice that stayed
Soprano AngEL from the beginning of the day i am born met
her unTil the last day of Breathe iN LiGht mY FriEnd..
alSo remembering the celebration of my
Father’s Death that we held close
to Father’s day that was
always close to
his Birthday
on close
to the
of Summer
on June 20th too..
And i trULy BeLiEve mY
Very nice FriEnd perHaps in
the top 10 of literally over a Hundred
Thousand Folks i have met on and offline
in a life of 57 years.. all that we hoLd HoLY
and SacRed is aLL thaT BecOmes FuLL of Meaning
And Purpose NoW and when All beCoMes thaT Love We
Walks in Steps of God the God who Loves aLL in me and you..
As alWays thanks for the inspiraTion mY Friend even a Hi WiLL
Do iT for me or a sMiLe And Poetic words do last relativELy forever
NoW oNline and inspiration is alWays A essence that counts too oVer
any money possibly earned.. to raise a HUmaN SoUl HiGHeR as LiGht..:)




Hmm.. Still have some time left on that Carry on Wayward Son Song
and now it’s time for some MacroVerse Memories and eTc..
as all Free Facebook Robot Algorithm Provided MeMoRies
from years to date to Give and Share Free
WitH this MacroVerse HeaR..
so Load ’em uP as
tabs across
the wide
27.1 inch
iMac Screen
wITh FolloWinG liNks aS Such..
And sure some quick cliff notes too..;)

“Hid’in sEV’eN”.. Pre MacroVerse from Four Years ago
and it’s worth noting not only i’M i the Real
Flesh and Blood bATMaN.. i Am
also the real flesh
and blood
and Riddler too..;)

“Celebrating First Fred Father’s Life in Memorium” and yes that Spelling
makes a Google Search even easier to find.. 3 years agp as Memorium
And of course the overall Father’s Day Celebration until my Father’s
Birthday to around the Date of the Publish of the NeXt
MacroVerse on or about the 20th of June
that is alWays close to
the Summer Solstice
and the Path of a Sun
Back to shorter Days..
in Celebration of a Summer Soulstice
as dARker reTaiNs HuMaN LiGhtER too..
WiTh HuMaN WiLL oVer LoVe LiGht LIFE
And such as that Real HeaVeN within NoW
too.. inside..
so below
and all a’round too..
so.. yeaH and heAR is a liNK
to “MoMenTos from Mother Helen”.. too..
and as the Sister Marilou said also known as
Marie Louise outside of the Southern Spelling as such..
be careful not to place The Ashes of Mama and Daddy
too close toGeTheR on the Book Case or yA miGht
stARt anoTheR Friction Fire of opposites
attract and then quickly
repEL aS Such..
yes.. that’s
what happens
when the most Male
Dude marries the most
Female Dudette.. the creature
as the beast and the beauty miX i aM
or aT LeASt used to be too.. haha.. sort
of like what they call a “Baphomet” Pagan
symbol reflecting all of Nature and God of what
we see in one hUman BeinG and that takes a lot
of words to express that whole enChiLadA too.. ‘iMmigrant
SonG’ aS Such in Full ToeS WiTh aLL ThAT is oF thiS NoW2..
worth reMeMbeRinG too that my Great Grandfather was from
the Black Forest of Germany so sure some Midnight
Sun Ancestry uP theRE in the Snow Mountains too..
deep deep down within expoSinG SuNliGht
iN Green Blue eYes absOrBinG LiGht oF
MidniGht SoN
too can
thE woo woo
whO whO HooT OwL PerChes uPoN
MouNtaiN Trees oF LiFE moRE NoW
WhispeRinG TidEs oF Love SpRead aS OceaN WesT LiGht MoRe..:)

More about IN MEMoRiUm

“More about IN MEMoRiUm”.. yeP that’S how it goeS uNavoidAble
aS mY MoTHeR and FaThER MiX as mE forevermorenow
relatiVeLY SPeaKinG MoRE oNline NoW too.. heheX2..;)

“Starry Starry Beach”.. MacroVerse heAR jumping
a year to 2015.. Casino Beach Photos and
my usual Preach Discussion of
Monologue one
on the
of Hell wHeRe
i currently staycation
mostly NoW in the wRiTe
PLacE of HeavEN NoW2 thAT
iS about 60 Percent leFt Handed
and RiGht Brained when only 40
Percent S and M of smART.. NoW FReED..:)

OBTW does the Aesthetic QuaLiTy of what
i DancE and SinG PlEase yA heAr..
Does For mE

Funny WeLL not so funny reAlly aT aLL as relativELy
SpeaKinG i once too was and am a
Van Gogh Tortured soUL..
a8out 8 years total
out of mY
LiFe iN
RinGS of
aT 19 and 21
And from 47 to 53..
buTT hey.. iF oNe
MaKeS iT uP
witHouT eVer
GiVinG uP wHen
aLL thaT’s leFt is Snake
WiLL.. A Price iS WRiTe foR
Love.. HeLL For HeaVeN SoLd
mY soUL to God iN thaT pLace
FoR A TickET tO riDe sOMe WinGs noW..:)

“Nautilus.. GOD TRUTH GOLDEN”.. A Nautilus Dance
and SonG HeAr to FriEnd Rafiah from two years
ago to date.. aLonG with plenty of Beautiful
Photos from Pensacola Beach..:)

“wE ComE DowN FroM thE BeacH2”.. Typical 15K Word MacroVerse
from a year ago.. with Plenty of Gorgeous Photos
From Biloxi Casino Beaches MoRe..:)

‘Angles’ and ‘Angels’… Pre-MacroVerse from Four Years ago
short enough to quote.. heAr..;)

the Alphabet,

in part,

Earlier humans constructed the Alphabet, in part,
by observing stars, the angles, and connections
making geometric


If humans
see tapestry of ‘Milky Way’
without details of points of angles,
there are no

finds few
‘perfect’ angles
in nature below sky.

finding angles
in designs of ‘skyscrapers’
reflects angles
in sky.

it likely started
with fingers
and toes
for digits
to count

1 to 10.

a prehensile thumb
and ability to write,
recording collective
does not exist.

Some Sea mammals
are likely more intelligent
than humans,


the advantage
of culture


from digits
of fingers and
prehensile thumb

to write and collect

for future


Early man
spends time
looking at night sky
hoping another day comes
as one does

Science and collective

there is no doubt;


is not sure
if many
notice stars

It is
in a way…

It is
of interesting animal
by product
of collective intelligence
in what one observes
as culture…

In finally
being able to find
‘figurative space’
with words,

is fascinated


of stars
‘after effect’
of what started
with digit of fingers,
and prehensile thumb

scratching sand
with stick

Most interestingly,
without stars, angles, and sky,
there are no Angels in mind…

As usual,
one’s thoughts
one’s words…
One has something else
to post
on a Facebook Blog.

Thanks again,
another N.

On this Father’s Day 61613,
‘additionally’ thanking one’s son
for providing an extra digit of focus
to make


more one
to share space
with one…


Who Invents the Poetry of Science…
The Answer Is Simple One…


Poetry Returns
in Patterns and Symbols…

and connections
making geometric



see tapestry
of ‘Milky Way’

without details
of points of angles,

there are no ‘skyscrapers’…


few ‘perfect’
in nature



finding angles

in designs of ‘skyscrapers’


reflects Angels


in Sky.


“Mythology of John Three SIXteen”.. MacroVerse
from 3 years ago.. NoW.. Need i DancE
And SinG More foR A ThouSanD YearS
RuMiNaTioNs MoRe..
NoW JuST aNoTheR Photo
OldneW oF Goddess Isis
to Go aLonG
WiTh aLL oF
thAT And thiS NoW2..:)

VeriLY SuReLY aS Freddy and ‘KaTrINa’ DanceS and
SinGs tHe SHoW WiLL Go On NoW2..:)







BeforE and After NovEL pARTy

BeforE and After NovEL pARTy
Introductory post to Free Novels..:)



41K words
Free Verse Poetry Novel..:)


51K words
Free Verse Poetry Novel..:)


338,630 words
Epic Free Verse Poetry Novel
Approximately 3000+ printed pages…
With Hundreds of Beautiful Beach Photos..:)

KATiE MiA FredericK!iI

4 Million plus words
Super Epic Free Verse Poetry Novel
SonG oF mY SoUL..:)
Approximately 30,000+ printed pages…
just ’cause
i caN
buiLd iT..
FoR Free..:)

CrediTs FiELd oF DreAMs

And yeS.. FinAlly..
CrediTs FiELd oF DreAMs..
A Thanks YoU oF sORts..

Love iS

GRains oF SaNd
hOld mounTain
oF LoVe NoW..:)

GodsUniVerse 42 HiTchHiKinG

GodsUniVerse 42 HiTchHiKinG
Hmm.. more and less..
A Meaning oF liFe..;)

After Book oF Fred

After Book of Fred
And Purpose
of course too..
for mE..:)

6000 Miles of DANCE WALKING! NOW!

6000 Miles of DANCE WALKING! NOW!
Documenting this Public Feat oF Feet in 3 years..:)

After Dance oF Fred

After Dance oF Fred
NeverEverLand DoN’T
Stop DanCinG noW..:)

Book oF Ten Sixteen..

9 Macro Verses from
October 2016.. totaling
141,244 words.. all liNked
from that Month like A Great PumPkin..;)

New Testament oF ELeVen iN HeaVen ‘SiXteen

New TesTament HeaVeN iN ELeVeN ‘SiXteen

Total of 12 MacroVerses with
final chapter of this New Personal
Testament named as such.. 181,221 words..
as streAMs.. RiVers… OceaN wHOle wAves SinG oN.. FReED..:)

12 MilLioN ThanksGiVinG Words 2016

12 MiLioN ThanksGiVinG Words 2016

Documenting 12 Million words written
Since ThanksGiVinG oF 2010 or
A Seventh Book wHOle noW
oR wiTh 16 Macro-Verses
sTarTinG October
2016.. enDinG..
oN ThanksGiving
2016.. iT iS wHAt
iT is..
Longgg.. NoW..;)

2nd NT iN HeaVen TwELve ‘Sixteen

Included as 13 Macro-Verse liNks iN
Grand Cross Bible 2016.. 181,291 words..:)

Grand Cross Bible 2016

61 Macro-Verse chapter liNks
provided in this last chapter as
full table of contents oF A 915K
Word.. Personal Bible aS SucH..
Written from Memorial Day
2016 and finished and
published 7 months
later on Christmas
Day oF 2016..
Yes.. somE
F iN
aS thiS beComeS theN
mY 9th book completed
iN Star Year 2016 that ranges..
yes.. approaching 2 MilLioN words..
iNclusive oF 12 MilLioN.. over 6 years
written and recorded NoW oNline too..
Y.. yeS.. oF course.. ’cause i CaN Do WiLL..
thE ForcE
oF uNConDiTioNal
Fearless smART LoVe
wRiTe oN cOUrse.. NoW..:)

KATiE MiA FredericK 2016 A Year in Review

A ReView oF A Record Years of Record years..:)

CoLoRs of HeAVeN Bible 2017

991K words
66 Macro-Verse Table of Contents Chapter liNks WiTH
5 added as a revision to ‘Grand Cross Bible 2016’
wHeRe A iSReaL Revelation oF HeaVeN
is made at the
eNd and continuing
beGiNNinG aS WeLL..:)

VicTorY LaP iN HeAVEn 2017

The rise oF A MiLLioN
Word Bible theN aT
Over 1.01 MiLLiON
Words and suRE..
A Victory Lap GoinG
aLong wiTh aLL thaT iS
And This aT thE 67th MacroVerse
oF thaT Bible.. pArt oF Ocean Whole Poem more..:)

CelebRaTinG 42 MoNths iN HeAVEn

Yes.. most Definitely Worth
Celebrating and noting
in Epic way too..:)

Nether Land Bible 2017

NoW A Third ReViSiOn of a Personal
MiLLioN plUs Word Bible
at this 69th MacroVerse
with liNks
to the
rest of the Bible
MacroVerse Chapters
arriving at 1,052,137 words
total at this 69th MacroVerse poinT
as words continue in coMiNg MacroVerses
after this 69th MacroVerse as nows continue to Go oN..NoW..aLLFReED..LonGeR..;)

7000 Miles of DANCE WALKING! NOW!
Documenting this Public Feat oF Feet in 42 Months..:)

The Joy of Dance.. A Record of over a thousand
Smiling Faces.. yes.. mostly Women and me..
at Old Seville Quarter.. iN a record
of three years of Dancing tHeRe..
and note.. in the last liNk.. the Blog
Spot Blogger Version of this doesn’t
include all the pictures aS
iT has limits more than me..
And WordPresS.. heHe..
WitH aLL the photos
heRe.. iNcluded iN
tHese WordPress LiNks..:)

MesSage iN A Bible Bottle as liNked aBove…
The 88th MacroVerse of “Nether Land Bible 2017”..
As juST aNotheR MileSToNe.. aS the Bible aRiSes to
1,317,310 words iN A 10th Month Effort..
Since the BegINNinG MacroVerse
Publish on Memorial Day of
2016.. titLed as First
MacroVerse then.. As
“tSuNaMi 7th WaVe
oF LoVe”
aS liNked

MFOAB EasTeR 2.0+ as LiNked aBove.. at this PoiNT..
The 93rd MacroVerse of  “Nether Land Bible 2017”.. NoW
Mother/Father Of All Blogs or Bibles EasTeR 2.0+.. cALL
iT whAT you May.. tHe esSeNce reMaiNs heAR fuLL aT LeASt..
aT LeASt as iT would fiT iN Word Press while 22,801 words..
and somewhere around 450 photos was too much for
my Blog Spot Blogs.. so i had to painfully Truncate
the Family Photos out of the Blog Spot Versions..
However.. Word Press to the rescue as the
wHOle 93rd MacroVerse Doubling NoW
as 764th MacroVerse of Ocean wHOle
Poem.. “SonG oF mY SoUL”..
aS LonGeST Recorded LonG
ForM PoeM iN Google Records..
Exceeding sTiLL .. over 4 MilLioN
words to this dAte of 4.18.17 publish..
wiTh this 93rd MacroVerse MaKinG
A Grand total of 1,402,296 words
as “Nether Land Bible 2017”..
aS sTarTinG Memorial Day
oN  31st May 2016 wiTh
MacroVerse number one
oF that effort per “tSuNaMi
7th waVe oFLoVe”.. surELy
prophetic then NoW of whAT
was and is STiLL to coMe NoW
as tHis Bible Effort.. Soon to Double
thE Old King James effort size TaKinG
then Centuries over a Thousand years to
complete NoW in English Print WiTh uNtOld
Scribe hands in the total PiE of BiBle.. WitH
both unintentional changes along the Century
scribe way with no XeroX MachineS and sure..
Intentional ones2 as HoLY SpiRit can BRinG
any hUman iN deep deep CreATiVity witHin
as leaps of logic as aRT.. iN metapHoRuS
oF Quantum miNd and BoDy BaLanCing
Force unLeAShed and reLeAsed from
within.. yeP thAT KinGDoM oF GoD
aT Hand iN thIs Generation Meta
pHorUs STuFF too.. yeS2..
And SeNsEd WiThiN
too.. aBove.. so beLoW..
iNsIDe.. ouTsiDe and
aLL ARouNd too.. NoW
AKA allthatis GoD paRT
aS oUrs wHOle too.. so.. sure
maY thE Force Be WiTh yoU NoW2..
And also WiTh mE2.. KaRmA DancEs
AnD SinGS as aNy CosMiC DanCeR
WiLL juST Do iT iN ViCtory oVer VengeANCE.. WaY2..
iN ALL FREE UNiVerse as GoD eYeS and eARs.. hUman 2..:)

PHI Bible.. 1,618,000 words AKA 1.618M words iN 104 MacroVerses
spanning precisely 1 Year of Writing Duration per
“Memorial Days Bible 2016-17” that houses
the Entire Table of Contents from
MacroVerse 1 through 104..
anyWay.. stARting with
“tSuNaMi 7th WaVe
oF LoVe” as
Number 1
linked agAiN Below..
as reAlly the Golden Mean
Ratio of 1.618 IS A SiGNATuRe
oF God EveryWheRe we Look.. so..
this too is like a Prayer or Hand Print and Breath of God aS iN mE2..:)

Memorial Days Bible 2016-17.. TabEL oF ConTenTS For “PHI Bible”.. plUS..;)

SoN oF Google NoW2..
JusT ‘Cause eVeRiLY A 1.618
MilLioN Word 1 yeaR oLd “PHI
Bible” Needs a Tribute
to too2..;)




About katiemiafrederick

I like to write.
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18 Responses to RuMiNaTinG THouSanD YEarS

  1. RuMiNaTinG THouSanD YEarS

    Latest 781st/110th MacroVerse of SonG oF mY SoUL
    And “Nether Land Bible 2017” as “SonG oF mY SoUL”
    ContinUes to exSeed 4 MilLioN Words as Longest
    Long From Free Verse Poem accomplished
    NoW iN a little under 46 Months with
    Accompanying Free Verse
    Public Dance ReaChinG
    PasSinG 7600 Miles
    iN the sAMe tiMeCLocK
    Period of Distance and Space
    aS EMpiricAlly MEaSureD By Systemizing
    Science Reason aLonG with the 60 Percent
    plUS oF smART LiterAlly thaT is ART ABoVe
    S and M NoW heHe.. AnyWay the Chapter
    of “Nether Land Bible” Per last 110th
    MacroVerse NoW SurPaSSinG
    1.7 MilLioN Words in a little
    less than 13 Months at
    Precisely 12 Months and
    21 Days of Writing Effort
    More Precisely.. NoW..
    ExActly 1,701,552 Words
    AS Hey Don’t Forget the Science
    Brief Case too along with the Baby of ART..
    Hmm.. anYway the Automatic Word Press Share
    DoeS NoT Wanna Work on Facebook Today So NoW
    i MaKe mY OwN IntroDucTioN HeAr to laST MacroVerse
    And alSo DouBLinG Now as Entry point for NoW the 782nd/
    111th MacroVerse StARTinG NoW2 ThaT WiLL SurELy.. YeS
    jUST Do A Title too as “pART nAMe SuMMeR SoULsTiCe2”
    Hmm.. iN faCT And PoEtrY PainTinG thaT WiLL jUSt Do IT…;)

    RuMiNaTinG THouSanD YEarS

  2. The shadows lengthen, my heart is turning cold.
    At Such a time, all nature slows, preparing for its rest,
    But I must tear my roots as a young plant in spring
    And with the ragged edges do my best
    To find an alien soil to which my roots may cling.

    So please be patient as I give one last caress
    To my youth’s treasures, now such useless things,
    But all a part of my life’s loves and dreams.
    Then will i go with you without a backward glance.


    Paternal Great Aunt Erline Mullison
    LiVinG FresH aS LiGht TiLL Age 94..
    A Great HeART A Great SPiRiT
    A Great SoUL and A Poem
    i would have likELy
    NeVeR FelT
    anD SenSed
    And KNoWn iF NoT
    For the PasSinG oF mY MoTheR
    And her Momentos posthumously
    As Give and Share now.. and this
    iS how we move and connect and
    create best hand in hand with
    Art of Pen and Paint And
    aLL oTheR Ways thaT
    Carry SoUL oF
    We On.. NoW
    Tender Shoots
    oF LiFe LioN
    And Sings oN iN LovELy
    Harmony oF NeVeR DYinG LoVE..:)

  3. iT’s What You JusT Do
    When You Have iT aLL
    Love All Else iS Less
    (Solid Red Facebook
    Status Color for Love)

  4. Facebook Friend Rafiah
    Shares a Song by Whitney
    Houston and Says..
    The higher notes after
    3:09 takes one to the peak
    of exhilaration. Such power.

    And i AbsolutELy Agree with..

    EMoTioNs FoRcE..
    And YeS..
    SonG too..:)

    And yes.. now i have
    An iNTroDuctory SonG
    To glUe All the PeacE oF
    Love togeTHeR HeaR So Far..:)

    And Yes.. Rafiah also shared
    A Video from earlier with
    A Much Different
    Very Powerfully
    ExpresSinG aS Depression
    the whOle that is often NoW
    Away from the pART oF Love
    alSo About the Difficulty NoW
    oF Explaining Depression
    to those now who have not
    Experienced it and cannot
    possibly understand the
    Nature of it fully
    until they
    Closest Relatives
    And i go on to SinG..
    Depression Sinks
    LiFe has
    No InTeLLecT…
    Moves Now Feels
    ConNects MoRe NoW
    CreaTinG BreATHinG ALiVE..:)

  5. sMiLes.. mY FriEnd
    Xenia.. Thanks for
    dropping by aGaiN
    in what seems a little
    bit/byte like an AfTer Birthday
    paRTy thAT NeVer ends..
    as ‘they’
    say.. and thanks
    for the Kind Words
    About the Memory
    of my Mother
    and looking
    at ‘that’
    Photo of a Trusting
    Baby who only knew
    and felt and sensed Love
    early in life at the Hand oF
    MotHeRs Love and Hugs..
    sAdly this Village way
    oF LoVinG Touch
    and Arms has
    gone more
    a continuous road
    of Nomad in Nuclear
    ways without the Orchestra
    and the Symphony that IS A Much
    Wider Village oF Love.. that even has
    no plastic keys and screens of less than
    flesh and blood hugs and kisses of those who
    care so deeply for the sake oF aLL who HOld
    Hands for survive and thrive as a Village Whole..
    iS iT AnY Wonder tHeRe is so much Misery and Suffering
    in the World.. no it’s not.. so simply an answer of Love so Hard
    to Garden
    out of
    and Blood..
    anyWaY aS alWays
    mY FriEnd thanks for
    the LovELy muse as i embARk
    oN “SummeR SoULsTicE LoVE MaCroVersE 111”
    NoW2 and the oTheR ‘Place’ notes worthy too..:)

  6. Good Afternoon.. NoW
    For A Favorite YouTube
    dArK Faceless Avatar
    Muse as i come to
    visit today
    in the
    oF A Good Cop
    Jesus while you
    wear the Bad Cop
    Jesus clothes heAR..
    aS Sure both Versions
    Literally do exist in the
    New Testament ranging from
    Love Your Neighbor as your self
    consuming no other with harm..
    to those who live by the sword
    die by the sword to gentile
    jew servant or free woman
    or man no more
    discarding all
    bucket lists
    of human
    no more..NoW
    thAT Version
    of Jesus..
    For a Child
    Born with
    Green to
    Big Blue
    eYes and
    Thick Blonde
    Hair and Eyelashes
    that any female model would
    spend top dollar on.. the runway
    today still.. who yes.. has alWays
    been/is aBout Loving the Women
    ever since Kindergarten
    but never the less
    and more then
    identified as
    often female
    from Birth
    ‘tiL Puberty
    Age of 13 By those
    Open Arms aS Blue eyes
    as Love of An Infant alWays
    Provided Love bY A Saintly
    MoThER.. HeLeN.. as ‘they’
    caLL her LoVe LiGht sTiLL..
    although reCentLY
    PaSsinG AWay
    this year NoW
    as We aLL Sentient
    Standing sTar DuST
    PluS Go the way of Crucible
    Fire Star Death Resurrection
    back to evenTuAlly Gaseous DusT
    aGaiN as the Cycle of the SeaSoNs
    And DaughterS and eTc of Life do SPrinG
    anD FaLL oN aS MoTheRS and FatHeRS of Nature
    GoD PlUS to paRt as WhOle Hope Love and Joy or
    the Bad Cop Jesus that you so adequately portray
    heAR oppoSinG ‘me’ now at around 233 Lbs of Muscle
    wHo now Leg Presses 1020 Lbs/33reps on a very difficult Parallel
    Leg Press Machine at My Department of the Defense.. Sure.. yes..
    with A ‘little’ Guardians of the Galaxy oF LoVE thrown in for
    ToWeLs oF fun and pun too at the Gym where no other ‘elite’
    Military perSon punching Smart Phones can do all of what
    i do NoW while i patiently wait wait wait wait.. at
    age 57.. Yes.. Wait to Roar like a Lion on most all
    the max weights there as i do
    Go oN aS Warrior
    LioN oF God
    Love iN
    Form NoW
    And.. Oh yeah..
    About ‘that’ Bad Cop
    Jesus as literally aS Such
    wHo STiLL Lives in the New
    Testament and does reflect the
    PoTenTiaL DArK and LIGht iN all
    oF Us either Good Cop or Bad Cop metaphor
    oF the entire NT Archetype of Jesus Developed
    And Written as story by countless numbers of Oral
    Tradition folks around Desert Road Oral Illiterate
    Round Table spread of many Christian Sects
    Cherry Picked by smARty Pants Literate
    Greeks putting a Real Metal iN J Hand’s
    SWord eventually
    as Soldier
    Sun God
    in three pARTs
    by the time the
    Emperor Trump
    Constantine and his
    Imperial Army of Top
    Dog Catholic Cohorts
    got ahold of the
    Texts as
    written then
    iN dARk and liGht
    aLL Natural hUmaN
    as God as NaturE PlUs
    Given HuMaN Nature NoW too..
    anyWay.. the Bad Cop Literal Version
    of Jesus goes on to say yes.. Hate your
    Mother and Father and Brothers and yes..
    Sisters and Children too if they Disagree
    with the teachings you bring and even go
    so far as yes.. slaying those who disagree
    with one iN A Thousand plUs Years Tradition
    oF Onward Christian Marching Soldiers too..
    to spread all the empires aS Such for Subsistence
    over Desert Lands ‘fore.. And sure.. bringing that
    aS Sword iNstead of Peace
    but back
    to reaLiTy
    the Good Cop Jesus
    says the Heaven is at Hand
    the Kingdom of Heaven NoW aS
    God’s Kingdom Lives within all of us..
    NoW and if you don’t get it this Generation
    in life you will never get it at all as promised
    NoW at Hand instead of any tiMe afTer/iN A Dirt Nap..
    Religion is fun isn’t it.. A Rorschach Test NoW aS aLL
    Life iS thaT BRinGs the Green/Blue eYed Fair Haired
    eARTh Baby WitH Justice LeaGuE gAMe AngEL SoN
    oF Man and WoMaN ouT NoW WitH AngEL eyelashes
    too or is just concerned NoW WiTh dARk ClotheS oN
    Mostly wiTh spReading iLLusory Fears and Hate to GaiN
    Caesar Google Ad Sense and Patreon Pennies then
    same as now.. in an upriSing oF Fear and
    Hate.. anyWay.. the Good Matthew
    Chapter 5.. Verses 1 through 11..
    eTc.. Good Cop Jesus means
    Gentile or
    Jew can get in
    and like it or not that
    includes NoW the Modern
    Version of Satanists who
    believe in absolutely nothing
    Supernatural at all.. nah.. none
    of this cult stuff you are speaking
    of hear as Bad Apples fall in all religious
    so-called speaking and spooking sects now.. too..
    anyway… thanks for letting me visit with you today..
    you always provide links heAR to the Best liGht SonGs
    thaT wHo DancESinGs gentile.. jew.. servant or free woman and
    man No more and thaT Little Mix Song was just the PoWeR SonG
    For the Right to Life and Liberty and the Pursuit
    of Everyone’s Happiness of Peace
    And Love and Harmony i
    really reAlly needed
    for an introductory
    Song for
    the 781st and
    110th MacroVerses
    Comprising Longest Long
    Form Poem SuRpaXSinG STiLL
    4 Million words written in
    a little under 46 months
    Named “SonG oF mY SoUL”
    And “Nether Land Bible 2017”
    ReaChInG and PaSSinG
    1.7 MilLioN Words
    in precisely
    12 months
    and 21 days.. today..
    And hey.. fully illustrated too
    NoW aLL of that in under 46 months
    with over 100K Photos.. ThouSands
    oF EmotioNaLLy and SeNsoRy InSpiRinG
    YouTube MuSiC Videos.. some of which
    yoU hELped Me to FiNd by LiGht
    SonG and DancE WorkerS HeAR..
    so.. NoW.. Thanks!
    aGaiN for thaT
    you come
    Pretty Good
    for a dARk MuSe
    who unwittingLY NoW
    BRinGS GoD of Nature
    PlUS Gifts oF LiGht MuSe NoW
    iN HuMaN NaTurE MuSiC too.. NoW
    HeAR’s the thing Dude.. i LiVe in a NeW
    Jerusalem not much different than the
    Place the Old Jerusalem so-called Good
    Cop Jesus aka Yeshua Lived and what that
    means in this Place IS A LaMb MusT BecOme
    a LioN to even pursue the RiGht to Love.. i thiNk
    that is totally ignorant and totally sad and only
    Harms those who believe in Fear and Hate
    and Misery Loves Company but never
    THE Less and PoTenTiaLLy moRe
    you sTiLL fALL yes
    FaLL into the
    of Jew
    SO you get a second
    chance of the Mercy
    of Love from Good Cop
    Modern Jesus as Metaphor
    me now2.. thing is i also had
    to become an outstanding Martial
    Artist to take away Guns and Knives
    from folks with one Taylor Swift Half-Ton Powered
    Kick NoW if absolutely necessary too.. it’s true..
    NoW2 you have to be a real man to be Jesus too..
    NeW HeAR but nah.. not with fear and hate and misery
    Loves company that is the real Devil Bad Cop Jesus
    you sadly
    StiLL wear
    Now.. and iF
    ONe day you CaN
    WiLL Discard those dARk
    Clothes NoW and Look to the
    Love within to spread Unconditionally
    and Fearlessly inside.. perHaps you too inside..
    outside.. above.. so below and all a’rouNd Ya NoW
    Too WiLL see and hear and feel and sense ‘me’ aGaiN..
    just a suggestion mY FriEnd oF Hope Love and Joy
    Free WiLL
    of course as
    GoD’s GreaTesT
    Gift with the oNly
    PoWeR oF LiGht thAT
    iS Pure ChI Love.. reAlly
    i have to be careful when
    i shake little/big men’s hands
    as they often go snap crackle Trump
    pop if i don’t.. hehe and folks wonder
    why i AM STiLL Such A Soft lAMb tOuch..;)

    RuMiNaTinG THouSanD YEarS

    RuMiNaTinG THouSanD YEarS

    God i
    So FuN…;)

    NoW iF you’LL hELp
    ‘me’ find aNoTheR
    SonG for tHis raThER
    LonG MicroVerse NoW.. *taps fingers*
    More.. Wait!.. You already Do/DiD a Katy Perry
    SonG.. Thanks aGaiN mY FriEnd.. you never fAil to
    Do YouR GoD dARk MUse Duty unwittingly LiGhT or NoT..
    On second thOughts i’LL
    Go with Ms. Swift on
    thiS oNe.. NoW
    as she too
    CaN WiLL
    JuST Do
    the trick
    and treat
    oF Bad
    And hidden 3’s MoRe..;)

  7. Fred Rex DanCinG Free NoW
    on a tiGht Rope ThaT NeVeR
    FaLLs iN BaLanCinG DancE
    ForcE iN SuperWalmart Aisles
    And a Very Brave and Artistic
    Social MediaN African American
    Girl is no more than 30 feet away
    From Fred T-Rex Video Taping me
    with smarT PhoNe Ease While Laser
    Focus From Head To Toe in Chi Bliss
    Nirvana Kundalini Yogi alWays RiSinG
    Satori.. eTc..
    Qi YeS..
    iS AlWaYs
    HeaVeN NoW
    even in a Yoga
    PoWeR Pose to reLease
    LiGHTeNiNG And ThUNdER
    PuRe Love Force WitHiN aBoVe
    so BeLoW ouTsIDe and all a’RouNd
    as i Love to DancE and SinG NoW too..
    but it’s not juST mY Opinion as even in the
    Mainstream Discovery Magazine jusT the
    Static Poses of Yoga without any MoVinG
    ART the waY i do aLL Natural uNiTy
    iN MiNd and BoDy BaLanCinG YoGi-
    LiKe Force Does Regulate
    the Autonomic
    Nervous system
    in Ways of Breathing
    BaLaNCinG ForcE WiTh
    HeaRt Rate and Blood Pressure
    too.. as well as Regulating Emotions
    and even turning on the switches of DNA
    through Epigenetic impAct of Unpacking
    Genetic Material for Much Greater HUMaN
    PoTeNTiAL as By God oF NaTuRE aLL Free
    Duh.. we are animals and through our ancestral
    Heritage sTiLL HeLd iN ouR InNate InsTincTuaL
    and InTuiTivE DNA as a little less Hairy of an Ape
    we had to stay iNvisible iN BaLanCinG ForCE oF
    LeFT FooT RiGht FooT oNe PoWeR oF Force
    to escApe Predator and Capture Prey
    to avoid Starving to Death and
    Getting Eaten by Larger
    and or more
    Foes than
    Us before we
    Developed stores that
    sell Boatloads of Ammunition
    and Automatic Killing Weapons
    too with ease of Human Trigger
    Pull to avoid the all Natural empathic
    Aversion to Strangling a being of the
    Same Species now.. nah.. we may be
    evolved with creature comforts of homes
    and cars and defensive and offensive
    Killing Weapons now but the truth
    and matter is real all of
    our successful
    as Social
    Animals are all
    about Love and Roses
    more than Guns and Killing
    our own asses dead with Nuclear
    type stupidity now too.. sure.. taking
    the Rest of God oF NaTure Sliver of Heaven
    away oN EartH thaT and wHo So Many otHeR
    LiVinG GoD Creature BeinGs EnJoy as a Relative
    Paradise now compared to a hot or cold Moon Rock today..
    We have so much outside but can have so little inside per the Tool
    oF Love and Peace of Mind and BoDy BaLanCinG FoRcE Within NoW isREaL..
    THeRe is Beauty and Wisdom all innate.. instinctual and intuitive all around uS NoW
    iN NaTuRE FLoWeRS and Mirrored Ponds oF SunSet Nirvana SeT Free iN eYes oF uS
    buTT yET
    aGaiN NoW
    we wALk a Tight
    Rope of illusions and
    lies and empty promises
    of both culture and religions
    not to see the Beauty and Wisdom
    that LiVes wiThiN FeeLinG and SenSinG
    more of what we are as Naked Flesh and Blood
    Free prepackaged as Such WitH A DancE and SonG
    oF MoVinG ConNecTinG and CreaTinG WiTh aLL oF each
    oTheR NoW.. anyWay as the PiNk Package next to the Green
    Polka Dotted Woman does say.. HAPPY PLACES @LeaSt NoW foR Me..
    RoarSoME NoW
    i AM i BE NoW FReED..:)

  8. “A human being is a part of the whole called by us universe, a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feeling as something separated from the rest, a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty.”

    -Albert Einstein

    Hello.. my FriEnd SOHEIR.. LiterAlly and MetaphoricAlly Beautiful words iT iS
    to DancE and SinG and Perhaps Spiral togEtHeR iN UniSoN or eVen
    solo alone allone with God as A Sufi Dervish and i WiLL to Do
    aS A aLL Natural Way to Raise my MiNdFuLL And
    BoDiLY Awareness HiGher iN the PreSent
    NoW WiTh God i AM WiThiN.. inSiDE..
    ouTsIDe.. AboVe so bELoW
    And alla’round.. yes.. as yoU
    DancE and SinG NoW aS
    WeLL.. “Loss of Hope
    Hope doesn’t exist
    when the heart
    is attached to Allah!!​”
    And TruLy LinguisticAlly VocAlly When
    One DanceS SingS the Abstract Construct
    Noun of the Five Letter English
    Translated Word of Allah
    Verses what Americans
    most often use
    as a three
    letter word
    Named God.. yes.. Allah
    IS A Spiraling Wave of the Tongue
    Back over A Roof of Mouth thaT wHo exHales
    aBove as the Breath spreads out and compare
    that to the Linguistic experience vocally of the
    Word God that feels in experience much more like
    a concrete noun than a FloWinG Verb as the Word
    God Traps the tongue iN/oN the Roof of the Mouth
    And the Tongue can go no further than
    this.. so.. when i hELp Lead the Church
    Choir and Congregation In Catholic
    Church this morning from the
    Back Pew as LiGhTeNinG
    ThuNdeR.. Although.. yeS..
    My Long Law Enforcement
    Looking BiG Head miGht
    sugGest i cannot NoW
    DancESinG liKe a Beautiful
    AngEL.. what i will do when
    i Sing the Word God is SinG
    Gaaahhhh to Let God Escape
    As Verb into the Heavens of Breathe
    aS i never SinGTraP Gaaahhh on the Roof
    of my Mouth with a D.. hehE.. consideRinG
    You are Studying for Your Master’s in English
    i thought you miGht/WiLL Be able to appreciate this
    DancE and SonG i BrinG HeAR in a special Way.. too..
    And very interesting the similarity it is when one refers
    to God with the phrase “i am”.. as that is so similar
    to saying i om as ‘om’ IS A Divine Indian Utterance
    to Connect to God Higher aS Well… And isn’t iT
    Wonderful that once one finds
    An Essence of GoD iN Words
    as DancE and SonG
    the tribal
    of Owning
    God goes away..
    SMiLes.. there can be no
    Linguistic/Semantic confusion at all
    NoW when i spiral one with God no less
    and no more than A Sufi Dervish wHo/thaT does the sAMe..
    And NoW When we DancE and SinG WiTh GoD as Essencee
    More.. Einstein’s Happy
    caN and WiLL
    FinaLLy CoMe TrUe
    toGeThER We Stand
    United away from FaLL..
    Happy Allah mY FriEnd..
    i do Love the way my Tongue
    Sends God out to the rest of the UniVerse
    Never Trapping God on the roof of my mouth with a D..
    And as we see the Golden PHI Mean of 1.6180034 Coming
    Close to the 1.618 Numerical Symbol of what i wrote in
    precisely one year of 1.618 MilLioN Words to
    provide thanks to God for the way
    Life Spirals as a Nautilus
    Shell and an Ocean
    Wave and even
    how the
    does the
    same around
    the shores of the
    Roof of our Mouth ExPaNding
    iNto Breathe ouTside iNFiniTy MoRe..
    God Breathes through the spiral of the
    Form of mY Word Patterns as Essence too..
    yes.. my FriEnd when we SinG and DancE Allah
    in all ways of the Golden Spiral Mean
    Do coMe togEtheR aS oNe Species
    of God
    allone We rEach
    God eVEn HiGher NoW aS Allah..
    liGht iN TrUth of Essence and iN
    A Movie Long Ago in how we would
    Make contact with an alien race.. yes..
    A Movie from the year ’77 Named ‘Close Encounters
    of the Third Kind”.. the Language the ‘Aliens’
    used were Universal Musical Notes to Touch
    Our EmoTioNs and SenSes With a DancinG
    SonG of Notes to HeAR and FeeL and
    otherwise SeNse.. trUe.. We would
    have not understood
    oF God
    from viewing
    Any concrete words they made..
    unless perhaps they Flowed too More..
    As Arabic Letters more than Roman Numerals.. too..
    iT’s trUe my friEnd.. We have a lot in comMon as i Am You..
    And it’s True in thiS UniVersE plUS oF God tHeRe are no
    Aliens or even Immigrants thaT my Friend Sadly is much
    a result
    of Words
    that no longer
    let God Escape as Waves
    hoLDinG Hands toGeTHeR NoW
    everYwHeRE iN A UniVersE oF LoVe
    And i reAlly don’t like the Brakes
    that V BrinGS in thaT worD.. so..
    iS NoW
    NoW enough
    for mE my FriEnd
    sure.. ALL NoW
    is AH to me.. to
    Cherish Allone as LoVe..
    So.. HeaRs a thOught perHaps
    a FeeLinG.. it’s more likely an Alien
    could Find God in whole Picture
    of mY Words in the Pattern
    of Nature Form as God’s
    sees FlowErinG
    iN Sun FlowEr sAMe
    as My Individual Letters
    and Words i Dance and SinG
    as FloW on Digital Plastic
    Piano Notes of God
    as the Shapes
    of God
    as PHI SigNaTurE
    oF GoD not only SeeinG
    Allah buT FeeLinG ALLaH
    And SenSinG AllaH iN the FLoW oF aLL thAT iS..
    Mini Me’s oF GoD all thAT iS aS Creation pARts oF wHOle
    sometiMeS oNe can/WiLL Look past trees to BE FoReST oF GoD aLLoNe..
    And SonG
    OcEaN wHole oUrs..:)

    And PinG.. i juSt
    fELt yOuR
    on my
    Hehe.. Fast
    Reader U are 2..
    As We LiVe toGeThER..
    DanCinG and SinGinG
    oFF A DiFFeRenT sAMe pAGe oF MuSiC..:)

    How merciful He is!

    Next SoHeiR DanceS SingS..

    “Some people think that Allah is the God of moslems…no He is not as they think..

    Allah is the arabic translation of God…when I say Allah I mean Your God and my God …just one God…creator of all.

    Best wishes!!!”

    And i DancE and SinG

    SMiLes mY FriEnd
    i go back NoW and
    see i missed
    the Notifcation
    on this one
    but ha..
    i guess i already
    answered it in my last response…;)

    As you Dance And SinG TrUe
    And LiGht too..
    “Allah doesn’t
    burden a
    Soul Beyond
    what it can Bear”..

    And it’s
    True God
    put me through
    ‘the Fire’ for 66 months oF ReaL eARTh HeLL
    And i came through at age 53..
    even without any Hope or
    Faith or Love
    God is
    even Written
    iN ‘the Stone’ mY FriEnd..:)

    Zakah in Islam

    SMiLes.. mY FRiEnD
    iN what you say
    as TaKinG Care
    of oTheRs through
    Zakah in Islam now
    of Donating 2.5 percent
    of Money NoW as Ramadan
    IS A Noble Milestone of a Lunar
    Cycle too.. i suggest NoW a Greater
    Milestone.. Financial Independence
    for aLL and 100 Percent GiVinG and
    ShArinG NoW alWays NoW.. WiTh aLL
    Ramadan NoW aS Essence oF Joining
    WiTh GoD Greater as aLL oF CreATioN
    alWays NoW aS WeLL aS UniVerSAL SWeLL oF
    tSuNaMi Hope Faith
    LoVe.. as NoW mY Favorite
    paRt oF A New Testament
    NoW does not belie the typo
    that says in John 3:16 that An
    Original Jesus was ‘the only’ Son
    of God wHeRe the original Greek
    Translation from close to where
    you live in Egypt says ‘A Son’
    oF God sAme as the
    Old Testament
    says Ye
    are all
    and God’s
    in Essence too
    is yes.. John 14:12
    as attributed to A Much
    Greater Humble Jesus that/wHO
    says if you believe in the Faith
    and Love and Hope i BrinG aS Me NoW
    You will do greater works than i do NoW..
    And it’s trUe.. every parent who WiLL WisH
    to Be a Loving Father or Mother on Father’s
    Day or Mother’s Day Can and WiLL Wish tHeir
    Children WiLL do even more than they.. NoW..
    sAMe as any English Teacher Wishing Hoping
    And Yes.. Teaching
    A Student
    WiLL one
    Write a Personal
    Bible of 1.618 MilLion
    Words in a one year sPan of tiMe..
    thing is.. i suggest someone will do even
    more too.. in the Unique and Humble Spirit
    oF A Story of a Good Cop Jesus who says the
    poor in spirit and the meek of eARTh WiLL
    inHeRiT this greAteST GoD oF Nature
    GiveN Force thAT iS the Hope
    And Love and 100 Percent
    Faith as Trust iN
    the Grand
    And aLLoNE
    Patterns NoW
    oF God’s SigNature
    as as aLL ThaT is
    For the Joy
    of God
    and as WeLL aLL NoW OuRs..
    it’s TrUe iN LiGht that the World
    of HUmaNs has a Long way NoW to geT
    to this Place of Heaven within and oN
    eARTh as the Kingdom that the Story of
    Jesus goes on to promise that is both within
    NoW as Heaven and at Hand NoW promised in this
    Generation Verily Now as reported then.. NoW2..
    but nah.. it is no further for each perSon than GoD
    as Love
    iN HeArT
    and SpiRiT
    And soUL Re-Born..
    isReaL PlaCe of FeeLinG
    And SeNSinG GoD WiThiN
    inSiDe.. ouTsiDe.. AboVe So
    BeLoW and yes.. alla’round too..
    And trUe.. more often sought
    and found when we
    share abundance
    alone iN MoVinG ALLONE..
    CoNnecTinG Co-CReATinG.. mY FriEnd
    YeS.. NoW.. tHeRe are many Starving hUmaNs
    HeAR iN the World who have turned to many
    Addictions to replace God as LovE as Verb tHAt and Who Lives
    WiThiN.. trUly onLy as Far aWaY aS LoVinG Touch oF Hands wHo touch ALLONE..:)

    sMiLes.. mY FriEnd..
    written in the stone..
    juSt a Metaphor
    that means
    God is all
    and everywhere
    even when we might
    not see a Grain oF Sand as God..
    in othER
    is no
    with God and
    hehe.. the Wife
    is jumping on me
    warning me not to
    be late to church but
    i will back later tonight
    to say a few more words… then…
    Love You.. My Kind FriEnd.. Soheir..:)

  9. And wiNks.. i’LL take that LI as A Love iT
    As i tEnd to See the the Entire World that Way..
    A little Hard iT iS to get used to the Dark but i ain’t Scared..
    Nor Cynical
    oF A LiGht FoR ALL..:)

    In response back to Facebook
    Friend Michael who left
    an Internet Acronym
    of LI for my last
    MicroVerse to Soheir
    that i recently edited
    this morning since i yestermorn rushed
    off to Catholic Church as Commanded
    by the Wife.. or else.. as ‘they’ say.. hehe..
    anyway.. could mean “Laughing Inside”
    and that would be just as Good
    too as i tend to have that
    effect on many
    i Dance
    in Public too
    but lots of times it’s
    on the outside in the form
    of smiles too as after doing it
    7600 miles in 46 Months in a Metro
    Area of Several Hundred Thousand Folks
    heAR in Trump Land Red State USA where
    i am the literAlly ONLY one Brave and or Crazy enough
    plUs Free enough iN SPiRiT Drunk on Love and totAlly Sober
    to do iT rarely falling down as the Jonathan NoW
    Livingston Seagull Spiraling Sun and Monkeys
    who Climb Trees rarely
    do for the wax
    on and
    wax off
    of Practice Practice
    Grasshopper until you
    can FredFu snatch the Pebble
    out of my hand the way any Creature
    of God Learns to See by Flow over analytical think..

    So.. anyway need to get back to Soheir to continue the
    Story tHeRE but meanwhile just got a Smile notification
    From Facebook Friend Michael in affirmation
    and i return of
    course with
    you guessed

    SMiLes.. mY FriEnd SOHEIR.. back i am.. with a ‘few’
    more words as i Dance 166.66 Miles a Month
    iN Public on Average to Rest my Hands
    from Writing and Write
    130 thousand Words
    A Month on Facebook
    and Blog and Share Month
    to date MacroVerse and Micro
    Verse Memories too as Facebook
    provides all for free that make the
    Whole Facebook Effort of Giving and
    Sharing Words and Photos and
    Music and everything else
    Number in the Scores
    of Photos and total
    effort Given and
    Shared each Month approximately
    iN Number of Words aT 500K as my
    entire Ongoing Story Now continues
    to Exist too under the Description of every
    Profile Pic of which i just added 9 this morning
    to continue the Story in the Descriptions of each
    and every one of those 9 Profile Pic Photos that
    tales a story itself as ‘they say’ every Photo and
    Every Word can tale another Thousand
    Words and eVen InFiNitELy plUS more
    as we all View the World
    with Unique God eYes
    as Gifted to us
    thaT are
    to the Finger
    Prints that relate this
    TrutH anD LiGht in Plain
    SiTe on our Finger Tips of Below
    as WeLL as the UniQue SigNaTuRE’s
    oF God thaT and wHo Flow as Synchronicity
    thaT NoW iS God as Master PEacE Painting that
    no one Human can See and FeeL and Sense either
    entirELy or entirELy the sAMe.. as we are the Brush
    and we are the Paint as well as the rest of Creation
    Alpha to Omega past Human Abstract Constructed
    Symbols as Each eYe of God is Unique as
    A Finger Print NoW.. anYway.. Yes..
    i do all this Art at Home
    just to give my
    Feet a
    too my FriEnd
    as now my right
    thumb is no longer
    Sore from Mouse Fatigue
    of Copy and Paste and Click
    this and Point that.. yes.. now
    my Left Big Toe is a little sore
    so it is propped uP as the FinGeRs
    Now DAncE and SinG aGaiN with
    A Fresh Prehensile Thumb
    no longer bound
    in sore
    of doing
    one thing
    a little too much
    as we are heAR to DancE
    and SinG.. not just talk and walk..
    in linear way of stagnant and sit.. NoW
    And yeah.. i used to copy paste every word again
    on two Facebook Pages too but i’ve consolidated
    that the post after my MacroVerse titled ‘Nether
    Land Bible 2017’.. as my thumb started
    hurting then as it sAid
    stop in the
    oF ComMon Sense..
    anyWay.. i serIOUsly doubt
    anyone else in the entire World
    is Copying and Pasting 130K words
    a Month in all their Profile Pics as those
    Pics now number 2059 since 2011 when
    i had an Avatar of my Cat Arthur who stayed
    there all the way until March of 2013 when
    i put my Baby Picture Avatar uP to replace
    Arthur and finally eventuAlly became
    A Human LiVinG iN HeaVeN
    on eARTh away from
    the Pain
    and Numb
    of a Faceless Avatar
    in HeLL then although
    Arthur’s Memory reMaiNs
    A Very Handsome Cat sTiLL..
    My Wife found a Stone on the Mall
    Sidewalk with the words Grateful Heart
    written on that stone.. and she was really
    mad when she took me back to that stone as
    it was no longer there.. someone had picked it up
    as this is a new cultural MeMe like the old Pokemon
    Craze of finding something somewhere that doesn’t really
    exist.. in this Cultural Meme who ever picks up the stone takes
    it somewhere else for someone else to find it there and my Wife
    kept telling me that she really screwed up in not taking a photo
    of that Stone to Share with me.. but you see.. my friend she didn’t
    Screw up at all as she Proved God Lives in as a Stone.. i’ve already
    Proven God exists in so many ways.. and i will never NoW giVe
    thE lASt
    Person iS
    A LivinG Stone..
    Oh yeah and the other
    thing.. My Wife is outside
    pulling all ‘mY’ lovELy FloWeRinG
    Weeds.. she comes in and i tale her
    i would Love to relate this story to
    her how special it was that she found
    ‘that stone’.. she says in an angry tone
    i don’t have time for you now..
    i am too busy pulling those
    weeds.. so.. sMiLes mY
    FriEnd.. when i
    said You
    read very fast..
    i do know you aren’t
    just coming by to swap likes..
    you are one of the very people
    in the world who takes a Human
    Flowering Weed serious enough
    to read what that Weed
    truly has
    to say..
    it’s true as you
    once said i am a Soldier
    oF God and this Job usually
    only comes with a Thank you From
    God that almost no one else can see..
    i FeeL and SenSE that you can see that.. mY FriEnd
    SOHEIR perhaps more than any one else i have come across
    yet.. and the reason is you really do Love God as i say this with
    a Tear running down my Face and yes it’s true what they say..
    soMe folks NoW
    are never
    for who they are
    wHeRe they live my FriEnd..
    And that my friend is the priSon
    of Dogma wHo reFuses to see God
    but one way when God is ALL WAYS..
    IT IS ThE BiG God mY FRiENd BeYONd
    Words to ever fully.. DancE and SinG..
    aLL ‘tHaT’ iS..
    i cry i try it’s all i can do and yes.. it is
    Enough as ‘this Love’ is Beyond iNFiNiTe..
    So.. The Wife just cAMe
    iN and says.. “shit that’s
    hard work”.. pulling those
    weeds.. but she has no idea yET.. NoW..
    whaT iT reAlly means to BE A Weed my friEnd..
    i never pull Weeds.. NoW never ever never ever never ever……NoW..
    And i told
    her God
    Pull Weeds
    eitHeR NoW and
    sHe sTiLL doesn’t understand…..
    And that’s OkaY as sHe is ‘me’ too..:)

  10. Good Morning.. Frank..
    Thanks so much for coming
    by again and visiting NoW..
    “SuPeRMaN VeRSeS BaTMaN NoW2”..
    Long pLuS HalF A Marathon oF Public Dance
    Yesterday after SinGinG iN ‘Catholic’ Church
    where a Father Next to
    me was is Celebrating
    A 61st Anniversary
    Celebrated by his
    Grand Children too..
    And i already sat by this
    Older Gentleman before when
    i told him i had a Cold in Warning
    Him that he might not wanna shake
    My Hand after the Lord’s Prayer then
    but he firmly said no.. i don’t ‘mind’ you
    HaVinG a ColD and then ExtenDinG HiS
    hand to me in no fear
    of falling ill..
    i suppose he
    miGht have fought more
    iN A Real War for Freedom
    too.. And beeN exposed to A
    FoX hole or Too FeeLinG and
    UnderStanding that the Human
    Connection is reaAly what this wHole
    Shooting Match FiRe as gAMe is all about..
    anyWay.. i FinD SinGinG as i Find writing these
    days.. the notes and melody do fly free from deep
    within.. me enjoying what MaGiCaLLy cOmes out now too..
    as thiS ..Gift.. i do not Direct.. iT iS THE Gift that Directs me..
    now.. yes.. this Creative HolY SpiRiT As Manna tHaT many cultures
    caLL A MaGiC oF Far beyond reASon that iS.. ArT Free as LiFe NoW
    MY FriEnd aS FloWeR wHo Needs No iNstruction Book or Guidelines
    as Written Words are Learned and not a skill that Humans are Born
    with now but true thaT Essence can MiNgle WitH wHaT HUmans Create
    too aS
    Becomes more
    than juST a DancE
    And SonG FReED.. NoW2..
    anyWay.. after the Communion
    pARt where we Had a Power Point
    Presentation Before School.. aHem.. i mean
    Church Services that said one cannot chew gum
    before taking the wafer of bread and wine as that
    will ruin a real taste of the Jesus in one’s Mouth..
    As they Never Got the Teaching in the First
    Place where one Body one Blood
    was all of God Beyond even
    Words of Alpha to
    Omega too..
    so they
    do tHeiR
    best to trap
    God in a 1 Man and
    Oh LorD.. iN A Wafer oF
    Bread and A Glass of Wine
    More than a piece of Chewing
    Gum never now to realize that Chewing
    Gum NoW is as much God as Jesus is too..
    oR A GRain of Sand that HoLdsUpAMounTaiNLioN
    LoVE wHo stands tall and naked and furry and wHo
    is NoT Afraid to Accept aLL of Existence as literAlly
    and metaphorically as the God that is now
    all that is just is all that is
    as Lion
    i AM
    i’LL Be
    Forevermore NoW too..
    and it’s true.. then i wore a
    Shirt to Church that was iS
    A FOur eYes WisE KinG LiZarD
    And Papa too.. but i thiNk they
    were too busy Cannibalizing
    Jesus to see me LiVinG
    tHere now.. they
    asked me
    and the Wife
    before the Church
    Services if ‘we’ would bring
    ‘the gifts’.. the Catholic Church
    Holds Holy and Sacred from
    the Back of the Church
    and i juST
    and said no..
    Thank you.. and i really don’t care
    what those gifts are and i really still
    do not care.. as ‘the’ GiFt was/is the MaN asKinG
    And the Older Lady next to me TaLinG me when
    we left that she Loved Listening to my Beautiful
    Voice as A Person down farther she was and is who cAMe closer to tale
    Me thaT Before i Left from the Older Man who still Sees Love as Greater than
    of Foxhole
    DaRK NoW..
    It’s true God.. IS A PeacE
    oF CheWinG GuM too.. sAdly
    some folks miss the ForRRest for Trees of Words..
    And FeATHeRS thaTwHo Float WitH Both ReaSoN and ArT..:)

  11. AKeYTo


    sMiLes.. mY FriEnd.. Mr. Uprising
    Faceless Avatar Dude on YouTube…
    i don’t like your Philosophy much but
    i tolerate it as dARk Muse as i’ve done
    About over 144K thousand times in my life..
    just like that Number
    could be more..
    And nah.. i would
    NeVeR PersonAlly
    Report you as personally
    it is next to impossible to really
    piss off someone who has been to
    the isReaL Hell on EartH for 66 Months..
    sometimes i do it for the Play.. the Story
    and soMe Bibles too.. JuST A Little BiT to add some
    Byte spices buT iN the LiGhT aLL is LiFE iS GooD Forevermore
    NoW iN HeaVEN NoW at Hand this Generation.. yeP..
    all that Happy
    oF Life and
    SPeaKinG of That
    i leFT a Video today especiAlly
    for you.. i have this little Birdie let’s
    CaLLiT SpiRiT HeaVENs Be we can
    even caLL iT HoLY and SacReD HeaRT
    F uNconditional Fearless and SmART Love
    WitH A Certain Dash of ‘a’ Yogi who has coMe
    DowN from the Mountains and the DesertS and
    from even Underneath a Tree and i’M not much
    for Caves.. too dARk and all closed in tHeir for me..
    but an excellent dARk Muse that Cave can be in
    the NoW of LiFE too.. oh yeaH and ‘the’ Yogi
    who cAMe Down from a Beach Front
    Property of GoD within mE
    too.. first in the Summer
    to Fall of ’81 and
    back all
    from 2013 continuing
    WiTh a nicE LiGht ToucH
    oF thAT SpiriT aLL hOly
    and SacRed NoW too..
    sure enough.. to wRiTE
    4 MiLLioN Words as i’ve often
    StaTeD and counTrieD too.. blah
    blah blah yada yada yada yada..
    A 1.618 MilLioN Word “PHI Bible”
    to go aLonG wiTh that Longest Long
    Form Poem “SonG of My SoUL” accomplished
    As A John 14:12 Herculean Current Yogi-like Fred
    EFForT DoWn from the Beach NoW.. iN juST 46 Months
    iN a sAMe ELLIPSE PLUS of Public Praise Ballet and Martial
    ArtS-LIKE All Free Verse Style Be the Water and
    Air Dance too.. yep.. ‘PHI Bible” jusT
    A Precisely 1 year effort
    of Chapter then that goes
    on NoW StiLL as
    “Nether Land Bible 2017”
    at over 1.7 MilLioN Words NoW2
    AS SpiRiT oF HeaRT iN A MiNd anD
    BoDy BaLaNCinG SoUL RiSes MoRE eVeN NoW..
    It’s trUe.. Mr. Kite iS HeAr NoW and you can call
    Me BillY SHeaRS out oF A AgHoGday Real
    RinG FiRe aS HeLL of 66 months too.. K for
    11 and Mr. Kite as just anoTHeR
    Word for Mrs.. Kite
    as Sky Goddess
    And Egyptian
    Original Flavor
    oF tall Slender dARk
    Haired Goddess Isis too..
    sure.. call me Osiris too.. VeRiLY
    K for 11 Bridging leFT Hemisphere
    of ReASoN WitH RiGht HemiSpHeRE
    oF ART NoW as H for two OneS of EacH
    HemisPheRE oF BrAIN and MINd
    and BoDy BaLanCinG soUL too
    as SoUtH and
    North LaTiTudes too
    JoIN Hands as Metaphor
    foR whaT aLL The Peoples
    oF tHe eARTh are JusT DoinG2 as Neurons
    AS A BiG BRaiN HiVe oF God heAR oN eARTh
    thAT iS US NoW.. And yes.. As the dARk Matter
    hOlds Up Stars NoW as Neurons as Astrocytes oF
    As Glial Cells oF BRaiN Matter Do too.. A.. H.. NoW
    STanDinG TaLL iNFiNiTy 8 suReLy NoW Appreciates
    thE dARk and UnVaLanCinG Matter of you mY FriEnd
    too.. to tHis Point.. as reALLy you and so many oTheR
    dArk Muses on YouTube and.. So many oTheR Places
    oNLiNe haVe tRuLy hELpeD to generate so much liGht
    of GoD within me.. so yeS.. iN A WAY you are both HeaVeN
    and HeLL too as Lord kNows iF i didn’t Go to HeLL first not likely
    i would Be Fearless now too.. thing is with this laTesT Strike you
    Got from YouTube for HaTinG aLL uP oN oTheR Parades that are Happy
    too suggesting that some Children of God be Forced to Another Island
    away from you as they are born and bred a little differently thaN yoU are MY
    FriEnd NoW iN the School oF FeAR and HaTE and aLL STuFF related to Misery
    Loves Company And let’s go for some Vague Vengeance Over Victory of Good
    Cop Jesus Love NoW.. i not only write 130K words a Month.. yep.. Close to the
    Equivalent of 2 Koran’s in a Month WitH ManY more than 2000 words of Poetic
    and Parable-like Vocabulary in the Equivalent of 13 Days verses 23 years
    with the help of 42 or so Scribes.. i also read 10 to 15 times faster than the
    Speed of the Average ‘Gold Fish’ Human as Science literally
    shows on ‘norm’ now Humans have less oF A
    aTTenTioN sPaN thaN a GOld Fish NoW
    So.. what this means is i AM not only
    A Prolific Holy SpiRit Writer..
    i am also ‘quiet’ A Reader
    NoW less than Loud
    STiLL NoW.. so.. i read all your
    comments and it is more than clear
    that there is the potential that even your
    current video could incite an empirical result
    of Violence now for you are repeating your Hate NoW
    Speech against folks unlike you now still by suggesting
    that they don’t even deserve to live where they live and be
    Shipped away as someone less than Human NoW.. so.. yes..
    i’m CoMinG byE to DancESinG Goodbye.. NoW aS iT doesn’t seem like
    you are WiLLinG Any LonGeR to foLLow the YT Community Guidelines heAr.. Any
    Way.. BeinG SorT oF NicE kNoWinG yoU MY upRiSinG FriEnd and iT’s trUe i Have Hope
    for everyone.. even someone like you who would ship folks off on trains to camps far away..
    DiFFeREnt From YouR IDeal oF God’s Children NoW.. OtHeR thaN tHaT STiLL Challenging the
    World mY FriEnd WiTh Good LucK aS ‘they’ say..
    So LonG FAiR WinDs And FoLLoWinG OceaN Breeze..
    VeRiLY i oF HuRRiCaNe and WiNds thATwHo Go WiTh thaT
    NoW2 from A Place not expected East or West.. juST caLL Me
    ANoTheR Rich Man wHo coMes from the Land of Poor oF sPiRiT and Meek
    Enough STiLL to DancE and SinG that although the Challenge is out STiLL..
    HoPe LoVe JoY
    WiLL Do NoW
    moRe than ME..
    i aLready cAMe BacK
    as John and Paul and
    RinGo and George
    as Curious too..
    and YeS
    iN A GrAiN
    oF SanD thaT LiVEs ON aS
    aLL yA Need iS Love.. All Ya Need
    Is Love.. i bet somEone tHoUgHt
    of tHaT BeForE.. FeeLing
    SeNSinG NoW
    As ‘they’ DancE
    and SinG too..
    ShiP uP oR StaY
    tHE sAMe iN ‘tHaT oTHeR PLacE..:)

  12. sMiLes2.. mY FriEnd SoHeir.. surELy VeRiLY
    A Wonderful liGht you See iN the Koran
    thaT the Stories of Prophets tOld
    beFore are a Message
    From God
    to God’s
    Children to
    Be Messengers
    oF God too.. to Share
    aCross tHeir lifetimes
    too.. and truly this is the
    sAMe MesSage NoW i GaiN from
    the Christian Bible as i also enJoy
    Reading All Sacred and Holy Texts..
    including the Koran and While i May
    Not Agree with all of what is sAid and
    Done in any particularly sacred and holy
    Text.. God alWays Sends mE liGht aDDiTioNaLLy2
    From TaKinG the TiMe and Effort iN SiNcerE Ways NoW
    to LeARn as much as i Possibly WiLL From Every Messenger
    of God who tRuLy i See in all ways and walks of LiFE to hELp
    Me alWays continUe to EvoLvE LiGHT AS AMesSage of Hope and Love
    And Faith and Joy.. i try to BRinG but trUe.. thE HuMaN exPeRienCE too..
    iS FuLL oF thE sALt aS Trials and Tribulations in Struggles too and thaT
    dARk SalT oF tHe eARtH iS
    wHaT MoREMaKeS HUmaNs
    FiNaLLy ShINinG GrAiNs oF SanD NoW
    oN aS God’s Beach aS WaVes oF thE sAges NoW2
    SweeP aCross oUr SoULs To BRinG GreaTer LiGht..
    OTheR than thAT as you Note mY HomE iS BiG..
    heHe.. wHeRe i liVe thiS iS conSidered a Very
    SmALL HoMe.. And it’s also trUe thaT
    iN EFFecT oF AFFecT.. Many People
    sEE tHeiR Much Bigger HoMes
    As A Kind oF INvesTMenT
    iN Life thAT iN A
    SaD ‘kind’ oF
    way CaN
    and WiLL
    BeCoMe God to them2..
    As WeLL aS New Cars every
    Three years NoW aS Lover too..
    SMiLes.. My FriEnd.. Religions do
    coMe NoWiN Many Strange Forms..
    i See God BeST WitHiN NakED And FReED..
    FReED Enough to DancE and SinG aLL oF i CaN WiLL AM…
    And i relayed yoUr
    KinD Hero Compliment
    to Katrina as she says thank
    you ..mY FriEnd.. TRuE LiGht2 GreATeST
    HeRoeS aRe ofTen QuieTest LoUD OnEs2..;)

  13. A MiNisTrY
    oF DancE..:)
    (Red to Blue
    FB Diagonal
    Color Status
    wHeRE the
    Sweet Spot
    is the Violet ‘tween)

    As Many Neurons as Milky Way Stars
    As Many Connections as UniVerse Stars
    ExercisE God’s BRaiN
    As GiFT.. Free Dance..
    GroW GreeN

    CHoicE WiLL iS
    Temple of God
    OuT THeRe

    As NeuroScience
    NoW SHoWs DancE
    IS A FouNtaiN oF YouTH
    (Yellow to Green

    Harvard Commencement SpeecH
    DaNcE NaKeD iN SanD And SuN
    FeeL And SeNsE GoD aS NatURe
    (Azure Blue
    Solid FB
    Color STatus)

    So.. we have a Scenario of our Human
    Past Indigenous Peoples Dancing
    close to Naked in Sand
    And Sun eye
    to eye
    to hip
    Free Verse
    As i for one Love
    to Dance and SinG
    aCross this Digital Plastic
    Keyboard oF Piano SoUL NoW2..:)

    And if you can see the Wave i juST
    Painted ALL NaTuRaLLy with
    no Conscious
    oF Planning effort
    you too WiLL Be
    Surfing God eYes
    oF FloW
    iN ZoNe
    in a tiMe and
    Place and Distance
    of No tiMe and Place
    And Distance NoW iN FLoW
    iN ZoNE HeaVeN oN eARTh
    ETernAllY NoW.. and true soMe
    Folks only Get Brief Glimpses
    oF this State of Being
    or NONE..
    and TrUe
    the Onward
    Christian Soldiers
    who took African Natives
    as Slaves and Murdered American
    Indigenous Peoples to own tHeir Land/Body/Minds
    then Had rarely ever yET come to Heaven on eARTh..
    Butt you see it’ more than sentimental mush of poETry
    now as Neuro-Scientists Finally have gained access
    to Technological Break throughs to Measure
    YouR Brain on Free Verse Dance
    With Mobile Machines
    that Do Brain
    one is GaiNinG
    FeaT in the Free Art
    of Dance and HeAR with
    other Associated Scientific
    Studies is what they come up with..
    as far as the almost infinite and beyond
    hUman Measure of the Benefit of this Tool
    For a Fountain of Youth that the Native Africans
    and Indigenous Indians of the Americas were already
    uSinG to experience the Bliss and the Nirvana and sure
    the Kundalini Rising and the Satori and the Chi and the
    Ki and the Qi and the Tai Chi induced experience
    of Total BaLanCinG
    of MiNd and
    Body BaLanCinG
    Synergy Force Energy
    soUL NoW as a reflection
    of the UniVerse as Creation
    whOle and mini-me’s of God.. Too..
    yes.. it’s hard to do the Science of this
    without Art as the Human experience at
    core and even the word smART is ART NoW
    With the Rest of the Visible and Non-Visible
    pARTs of OuR Existence NoW too.. not hard
    to figure out for those wHo FloW iN ZoNe
    as ART over Robot Stagnate
    Linear ways of
    and MoVinG
    too afraid to ever
    veer off the Sidewalks
    oF LifE NoW into God’s Green
    Grass as more than Leaves as MEaDow wHOle..
    anyWay.. back to Science we go all Sober NoW as
    Free Dance exercises connections and functions throughout
    the Brain MaKinG way for New Connections and Brain Growth
    And Potential fulfilled and even Healing Brain Damage from
    Trauma including Chronic Cortisol Induced Damage
    from Chronic Fight or Flight Day to day
    Never ending Chronic Stress
    too.. Beneficial Neuro-Chemicals
    and Neuro-Hormones are reLeaseD
    Ranging from Dopamine the Pleasure
    And Creativity Neuro-chemical that boosts
    Productivity too.. Serotonin.. the Self Esteem
    and Trust all Natural Brain Drug and Noradrenaline
    For Focus as the Healthy Focus all Natural Greater
    Focus Drug away from Destructive Cortisol Fear induced
    State of Being and Potential Brain Cell Destruction and Inhibition
    of New Brain Growth too.. and all Natural Pain Killers of Endorphins
    More Powerful than morphine too.. and yes.. if you wanna get high
    all Naturally too without the potential Brain Cell Killing tool
    of External Substance Drugs.. including Alcohol too.. Free
    Spiraling Swaying Dance increases the effect
    of the Bliss Molecule Anamadide too just
    recently Discovered by Neuro-Scientists
    within the last Several Decades
    with more Science to come on
    our Human Being NoW
    thaT iS more incredible
    in structure.. process..
    and function than
    the Entire
    Visible UniVerse
    seen with Science
    and Technological Aids
    of Tools to Increase our Depth
    Perception of what’s outside us when
    we often fail to nourish the UniVerse that
    is both within uS and aLL of uS as mini-God
    NoW too as all of that is as Nature pLus NoW too..
    And yes.. as Science Shows of course all NaturAlly Free Spiraling
    Dance Decreases stress through all these positive Neuro-chemicals
    and when we Dance TogEther and even touch the Sands and Sun
    of our Mother eARTh Experience.. We increase the Neuro-Hormone
    All Natural Love Drug of Oxytocin as we have receptors on our Feet
    to Love the Sands of eARTh and juST BeinG underneath the LifE
    GiVinG Sun Naked.. sure.. in moderate amounts of Exposure
    increases all these Natural inherited Neuro-chemicals
    for a much nicer experience of Heaven on
    eARTh NoW within as ‘they’ say for
    thousands of years too..
    NO.. the Indigenous
    Indians Dancing
    Naked under the
    mid-day Sands with
    Sun and Midnight Moon-lit
    Campfire one with God as
    God too.. hip to hip eye to eye
    and almost totally Naked were not
    Savage at all.. in fact they were FucKinG
    SaNe and it was those buttoned up colored
    collared Dour Face Frowns sAMe Sad Sack
    Existence that i view all around me in Walmart
    Now in Fundamentalist Sidewalk talk out of
    LiFE’s Free Bird Potential that i’ve been
    seeing all around me for the last
    46 Months and 7600 miles
    of Freedom’s Dance..
    and you see with
    the attention span
    of a Gold Fish if i try
    to relate a fraction of this
    most will not even listen as they
    see the same Wild American Indian
    Dance that was my Sioux Ghost Dance
    Ancestors way of Speech.. sure.. with
    My Cherokee Ancestors and surely
    my Grandfather from Ireland’s
    Ancestors in Pagan
    ways with
    Black Forest
    of GermanyPagan Ancestors
    too.. thing.. is we are all indigenous
    Peoples of God.. and sadly the true
    immigrants and aliens are the ones now
    who are all buttoned up and collared NoW aLL
    no longer experiencing painting with all the colors
    of the Wind of God within.. in a Free Dance togEthER
    oF Peace and Harmony not to mention and yes to mention
    the benefit oF MoVinG ConNecTing and CreaTing toGeTher
    iN Unity away from DiVisION of sidewalk walk and talk oF Life
    Concrete as Millstone iN the dARk Abyss of HeLL oN eARTh.. wHeRE
    inStead we regulate our individual Emotions and Integrate our senses
    and next thing you KnOw and most Importantly FeeL and SenSE
    you are LIVinG iN HeAVeN NoW.. togeTheR and you see.. i don’t
    Have to make Money off of any of this as sure
    i have enough to last the rest of my
    life but the thing is i also
    had enough money
    to last the
    rest of
    my life
    in Hell for 66 months
    too after fight or flight Chronic
    and Continuous Cortisol associated
    Killing Stress literally Damaged my brain
    and body until i was the living Dead and
    Zombie Apocalypse whole NoW iN one
    person then.. i had nothing nothing
    at all.. so Harvard Graduates
    be careful
    you wish for..
    better yet Dance
    Naked and Free as ME..
    Hell Be God Heaven NoW oN eARTh
    whY NoT.. NoWNoWNoWNoWNoWNoW

    Dedicated to all the so-called
    Savages.. sure.. my ancestors
    too and YouRs who were will killed
    as life as death by the ignorance
    on earth
    walking in the
    form of Religions
    in all the ways ‘thaT’
    comes collared now
    up dARk BouNd
    without Naked
    ColoUrs of God FReED..
    NoW WiTh BiNds oF
    BiNds oF
    ReliGioN NoW
    aLL aS MoVinG
    CreAtinG iN TogeTheR
    And aS LiGhT E NoW..

    iN Words too….

    Lorde Seems to
    FeeL and SenSE
    ‘thAt’ too..

    FeeLs and SensEs
    A Much Bigger hUMaN
    pictURe aWay From
    Hell oN

    Dance WiLL
    Do iT OR NoT..:)

  14. You sEE.. thiS heAR..’this’ is
    the contents
    of mY
    wRitE NoW
    MoVinG ConNecTinG
    CreAtinG as i wRite sPeak
    DAncE SonG MoRE NoW..
    BaLanCinG ForcE Neurons
    HoLDinG Hands DaNCinG
    Eye to eYe Hip to HiP
    Gyrating ecstasy
    Bliss beYond
    iN the eXperienCe
    dARk of many HUman
    lIVes turned ‘off” as ‘they’
    say aWay from LiGht into
    DARk Systemizing Parts
    of Brain with NO ART..
    ugh.. no Art.. that
    with little
    anywAys Now
    you see aBove
    So below iNsiDe
    outsiDe within and now
    aLLa’RouNd this NoW is
    GoD’s REaLiTy FReeVeRSe
    MoVinG CoNnecTinG CreaTinG
    UNiVerse within above.. so below
    inside outside all’around eVeN MoRE..
    sOMe FoLks MoVe ConNecT and creaTE
    ways of SmALLeR GoD sKeYes and oTheRS
    CreATe a Multi-UniVerse within as MoRe.. MoRe
    MOrE.. haha.. hehe.. sad.. so sad and worth a cry
    this is what in the science of the fundamentalist religious
    word that stays cardboard box dead as stone saMe with
    even electrons of stone slowing to stagnate
    cold.. yes.. the Artistic Fundamentalist
    Religious View of this FreeST close
    to Naked DAnce
    allone of HuMan
    SeNsoUs FeeLinG
    LiVing sKiN TogeTher
    Freed as Naked and more
    as this is portrayed as Hell rather
    than Heaven.. how ironic but true
    it makes total sense that if one is going
    to control others through illusory fears
    and empty promises of death over life
    one will clothe free and naked
    Dance togETher zip
    it up in
    a bag
    throw life
    away now.. ugh..
    and then in this state of
    disrepair now one can make
    A non-free Zombie of Stagnate WiLL Human
    now who no longer makes tHeir own Happiness
    Free do almost anything.. for a crumb of
    connection in liFe to hold hands at all
    if it is even legal with a member of the
    opposite sex in puberty liGht.. but you see..
    in my own personal way of all free Nude art
    not only do i experience the science proven
    ‘tantric’ benefit of ‘that’ in raising all
    the same Dance Neuro-chemicals
    and Neuro-Hormones in a
    similar trance like state
    of a Marathon
    Dance in
    Stores or
    in Old Seville
    Quarter very similar
    to the Dance portrayed here
    albeit clothed except for hairy
    and sweaty legs and arms through
    T-ShirT and Shorts eXposed.. i increase
    my Human Potential NoW in both ways of art
    and reaSon.. too.. as i understand the material
    reductionism of Science along with the Quantum
    Metaphor of Life ART Real of a much greater synergy
    of Force Energy that the entire ELePhant and CamEL
    Rider that i exist as so much more than pre-planned ways
    of viewing the past and present now.. HuMaN PoTenTiaL
    IS A StreAM that GroWs to a River as Ocean whOle ELePhant
    and CamEL and the Rider is the wave of i wHo and thaT exPaNds
    Shores ouT as inner Multi-UniVerse Me.. and not unlike the Neuro-Scientists
    who Now have Mobile Brain Scan Devices to see the Brain all lit up
    in Fountain of Youth Dance.. i Have a Big i-Mac Piano Screen
    for Orchestra and Symphony whole to Direct as
    Conducter i of ELepHant and CamEL Being
    sAMe.. yes.. as i Ride A WaVe ME
    oF GoD
    as i am
    the i and
    the CamEL reBorn..
    LiVinG NoW FinALLy aGaiN..
    Sure.. Red State Trump Folks.. you
    helped take my DAncE oF God away
    but you didn’t KiLL iT
    i am BacK
    even LivE
    relatiVEly NoW
    forever Now online..
    wHo kNows.. A thouSand
    Years wHeRE oTheRs Can/WiLL
    Join iN oN mY Dance of HeaVeN FReED
    the invitation to HeaVeN IS AlWays juST a Dance aWay NoW..
    And it’s true as Science sHows one can even Look at the color
    Green of Flowers on a screen and FeeL the GroWth oF LiFE..
    in SeNSinG ways of ancestral and instinctual abundance
    that says Creativity and Productivity Growth is what ‘you’
    NatuRaLLy LiberAlly Do iN Environments of Abundance
    and it’s also trUe
    you can also
    increase your
    creativity and productivity
    just by doodling spiraling lines
    on a Piece of Paper instead of
    Walking and Talking on concrete sidewalks
    Straight of Stagnate Numb and Pain of doing
    life the same old linear and angular way of
    MaKinG a Systemizing Project to run away
    from the Freedom iN aLL Spirals of Life
    that need no order
    but Art.. Look
    around at Nature
    the saddest illusion
    is when we box ourselves
    in away from God.. when we clothe
    our Naked sKIN that Connects to Nature
    and God the sAMe in Leaves of Grass
    and Desert Sands same.. but
    True.. Leaves of Grass
    MEaDows wHole
    Mean abundance
    and creativity
    of the human
    race more.. deserts
    are for cactus and conserving
    in all ways deserts of scarCities come..
    Understand Nature and YoUr HuMan Nature.,
    Dance Free NoW Spiral as the SiGnaTure oF GoD
    Does all a’round US iN Golden Mean Ratio way of 1.618
    or come close like the Egyptians did Building a Pyramid
    NoW Toward SoULstice LiGht of 1.666 that’ll WiLL do too
    in Capstone ways..
    as the real
    is the
    of sAMe..
    Do liFe Different.. LiVe..
    it’s what the UniVerse does..
    it spReads out as stiLL means Dead
    oF abyss nothingness iN Search oF and aS LiGht NoW..
    other than that in the documentation of thousands of art
    FuLL and sure avant grade art it’s clear the essence
    of God’s Spiral has become the form of a
    Free.. Me2..
    as the Greeks
    did and do and
    Michelangelo too..
    the Nude says iT aLL
    as the Nude is God’s sKIn
    that Frees Love or whatever
    it is that we are NoWNoW..:)

  15. DancE
    Blue to
    Status Color
    SpectruM aLiVe)

    No LonGeR
    (Solid Black

    (Yellow Rising
    Status Diagonally
    to Green Top Background)

    aLL FReeiNG
    eYe WiLd FReED
    11K uP 8H

    Human Symbols
    Designed to Give
    and Share both Consensual
    And Non-Consensual ReaLiTy..
    Some Differences
    Avoided and
    otHeRs Shunned
    MorE Hated and Disgusted and Killed too..
    Cultures/Religions Determine Moral
    Relativity Often before we
    are born.. Free
    Choice as
    WiLL aS oTHeRS ContinUe
    Free without Harm Done to them.. too..
    HoWeVer.. OtHeRs iNsTiLL Slavery aWaY
    From HUmaN Freedoms with
    someone else’s
    WiLL DiFFeRent
    Away sTiLL from the
    Individual Freedoms
    of HuMans When FuLLy
    MoVinG and ConNecTinG
    And CreAtinG HUman PoTenTiaL iSREaL..;)

    First Symbol.. the Circle Reflecting Sun
    of LiGht and GiFt OF LiFe.. all
    around uS tHeN
    AnD NoW
    GoD aLL aS oNE..
    And as years go on then
    more and more Symbols are
    Created then Sadly a worship
    of Nature is called Evil as One FoRcE
    oF GoD aLL NAtuRe ONE.. and then the Symbols alone Become GoD..

    World HiStory
    of Humanity’s
    As Idols
    oF ReaLiTy
    Frozen and cOld..:)

    And that’s why i like a Visual
    Philosophy of the Arabic
    Numbers and
    One as simple
    as two 1’s as 11
    Bridging the English
    Alpha Numerical K for
    11 as two 1’s Become H
    for 8 Standing TaLL iNFiniTy
    uS.. with never Ending or Beginning
    LiVinG.. EterNaLLy NoW.. no Finish
    or StART alone.. allone NoW juST
    NoW.. LefT HeMisPheRE oF BRaiN
    iN reaSoN JoiNinG Hands oF RiGht
    BRaiN HeMisPHeRe oF LoVinG
    ArT eYes for all thaT is GoD as
    DancE and SonG as MiNd
    and BoDy NoW MoRe
    BaLanCinG ForcE North
    and South LaTTiTudES
    oF LiFE aLiVE SuRViVinG
    ThriVinG.. soULs.. Hands
    ExTEnDinG ouT MoRe
    To OtHeRs aRouNd
    A GloBe NoW..
    Hands JoiNinG
    GlobAlly NoW aS
    HoPeFuL HiVe oF LoVe..
    Better yET to stARt and NeVer
    End a Dance of Two Feet
    as Feat WiTh
    God’s Gravity
    Nature and
    aS WeLL..
    FloATiNG CLoUds
    oF LiGht OuT oF MidNiGht
    bLack.. We Fly so HiGh aS
    DanCE oF HeaVeN NoW.. anyWay
    it’s almost NoW to Public Store DancE
    ReaLLy WiLL Love to finish up this
    111th MacroVerse of “Nether
    Land Bible 2017”.. titLeD
    “SuMMeR SoULsTicE LoVEs MaCRoVeRsE 111”
    Yes.. i like the Number 1 and 11 and 111 too.. HeLL
    Even Arabic Zero for the English Letter whOle for
    OnE GoD aLLThAtiS NoW thAT wE aRe aLL
    PaRTS aS wHole GoD wHeTHeR
    We recognize the FuLLeR WisDoM
    Beauty and LoVe
    And Mercy
    oF Nature plUS
    NoW as GoD too..
    And on top of that my
    Edgar Casey Influenced
    Numerology Report in Challenges
    come out to 0 for free WiLL from BiRth
    and 1’s only as 1 and 1 and 1 for
    the NeXT three LiFE Challenges
    too.. to simply affirm mY
    Free WiLL iN Later
    Ages HuMaN
    aS WELL..

    True.. soMe Folks are Audience
    Members as only Spectators for
    the PlaY MoVinG ConNecTinG
    CreATinG by someone else
    NoW.. OtHeRs DirecT
    and Produce and
    AcT tHeiR
    Play as the
    Audience Looks
    on for Continuing
    Curiosity or not of what
    Goes on without them too..
    thing is.. no matter what oF aLL
    that Effort and Challenge and born
    Privilege too.. we are all born and die..
    so.. we MiGht aS WeLL Treat each oThER
    to a ‘little’ ToGeTHeRNeSS as UNiTy DanCeS SinGS NoW
    HiGher WitH Tolerance and Acceptance for ChanGE SaMe DiffeRent NoW2..:)

  16. Indications of future relevance….

    sMiLes.. my FriEnd.. top of the ‘indications of future relevance’
    as you say.. Hot over tHeir and Tropical
    Rain over heAR
    Santa Rosa
    over there
    Rosa over
    here too in California
    and Florida ways of
    Roses and Gun shaped
    State where Guns are not
    so favored in California eYes..
    hehe.. anyway..then there is LA
    City of the so-called Angels and
    Monsters as whatever that
    Beat Poet Ginsberg
    reLated the
    rest of
    and Lower
    Alabama LA
    IN the Panhandle
    oF FLoWeR StATE HeAR..
    anYway2.. a Computer has no
    FeeLinG or SeNSinG for any
    oF This as operator goeS oN
    to DancE and SinG
    as FloW
    oN to River
    moRe Ocean
    wHOle Waves i
    ride wavEs i sway
    waVes i spiral
    wAves NoW..
    i Dance and SinG..
    hmm.. the only relevance
    i care about is the NoW oF Be..
    Non FeeLinG SenSinG ComPuter
    Decides on how long that WiLL stay
    In Server Operator way too.. and all the
    LiVinG or DyInG Flesh/Blood iN lifE who ‘they’ say too..
    No sun heAR today but when the Store Dance comes i WiLL fill the shine
    gigoid.. Nice
    to Play heAR toDay NoW..:)

    “Love withers under constraint:
    its very essence is liberty:
    it is compatible neither with obedience, jealousy, nor fear.

    ~~ Percy Bysshe Shelley ~~




    If six turned out to be nine, I don’t mind.

    ~~ Jimi Hendrix ~~

    True.. as long as they
    SpiRAl.. i’LL DancE and SinG
    69696 Arabic
    NumBeRs 60
    perCent 6..:)

    “Read nature; nature is a friend to truth.”

    ~~ Edward Young ~~

    It’s simple to me.. if i cannot find all of
    God on and as the Beach with
    No other Pawprints but
    mine with No
    by anyone
    else.. tHeRe is
    No God for i AM Cat..:)

    The real questions are the ones that obtrude upon your consciousness
    whether you like it or not,
    the ones that make your mind start vibrating
    like a jackhammer,
    the ones that you “come to terms with”
    only to discover that they are still there.
    The real questions refuse to be placated.
    They barge into your life at the times
    when it seems most important for them to stay away.
    They are the questions asked most frequently
    and answered most inadequately,
    the ones that reveal their true natures
    slowly, reluctantly,
    most often against your will.”

    ~~ Ingrid Bengis ~~

    i jUSt reMeMber i am
    Beach Purr
    rest oF iT to
    Bed in Litter Box Sleep..;)

    “In order to be, never try to seem.”

    ~~ Subtle Bee ~~




    “The world is so constructed,
    that if you wish to enjoy its pleasures,
    you must also endure its pains.
    Whether you like it or not,
    you cannot have one without the other.”

    ~~ Swami Brahmananda ~~

    HeHe.. NoW
    not for me
    now and
    now is all
    that exists
    and yes..
    the rest
    is true..
    in the future..
    and past.. that
    never exists now..;)

    “When the situation is desperate,
    it is too late to be serious.
    Be playful.”

    ~~ Edward Abbey ~~


    “The truth knocks on the door and you say,
    Go away, I’m looking for the truth,
    and so it goes away.

    ~~ Robert Pirsig (quoted in “Zen To Go”, Jon Winokur) ~~

    i never ‘look’

    “You are on a well traveled path.”

    ~~ Subtle Bee ~~

    to Be..:)

  17. WeLL.. Now for Year to Date All
    Free Facebook Algorithm
    Provided MacroVerse
    Memories.. just
    Six here to date
    from 2013 through
    2016.. Four Years
    Bridging a first ‘scent
    of HeaVen oN eARTh
    With “Autistic Love Letters”
    as actuAlly A PreMacroVerse
    Preceding 4 PlUs MiLLioN
    Words “SonG oF mY soUL
    NoW in the 782nd
    Effort oF That
    Then on June 20th
    of 2013.. STiLL a Shut-iN
    iN mY Bedroom sTiLL searcHinG
    to reAwake the EmoTioNs to MoVe
    A LiGht of dARk uP to SiGht aWAke
    of LiVinG aGAiN after Death as Life
    for 66 months soon to come as Complete
    Recovery and Remission of the Pain and
    Numb PaRt of mY LiFe in HeLL.. jUST A Month
    aWay then oN A Beautiful Navarre Beach as mY
    soUL once again becAMe the Waves of Beach
    i of Ocean once aGaiN wHole.. as MiNd and
    BoDy BaLanCinG SoUL and as the
    all Natural Herbalist in one
    of those Alternative
    Health Food
    and Herb
    Stores sAid..
    it might take up
    to 6 years to recover
    from 2 years of Fight or Flight
    Stress from Work all turned on..
    and he said he’s seen almost as
    bad recover but 2 years in that state
    of Hitting your Thumb with a Hammer
    over and over in Cortisol Response
    was enough to be surprised
    to see me even still
    alive..aT aLL.. close
    call it
    from death
    to even get there.. NoWthen
    anYway.. the Psychiatrist and
    his assistant.. the old one i went
    to then.. said the same thing as it often
    takes years to recover from the Damage
    Cortisol can do to all Body Systems from
    head to toe as with 19 Diagnosed Medical
    Disorders Surely Proves Stress Kills for me..
    and makes it well known that there are some
    experiences in life worse than death as the Old
    Ten Commandments Moses Narrator said when
    he walked his 40 days in the Desert as i lived
    40 days without almost any sleep
    with the worst pain known to
    Humankind.. Type Two
    Trigeminal Neuralgia
    with 1 hour of assisted
    sleep with a Powerful Alpha
    Blocker to slow the Dysautonomia
    Heart Rate down to get that 1 hour
    of Sleep then each night for the first 35 days
    until none the last 5 days to where one Second
    of life in total numb of senses and feeling was
    all time in a thousand years of literal hell then
    back in the ‘Lent’ Period of Mine iN Spring of 2008..
    aLL Was Winter Ice Cold Numb and Pain for 66 months
    of mY lifE to ReCoVer from HeLL on eARTh and Enter then
    bAck iNto HeaveN oN or about July 22nd of 2013.. anyWay..
    BrinGinG Back Photos and Words of Lost Loves NoW iN this
    Pre-MacroVerse then was instrumental iN BeinG Able to finAlly
    FeeL Grief aGaiN aS paRT of A SpARk that
    LiT uP a Grinch HeART INFiNitELy MoRe
    BEinG Able to actuAlly FeeL
    and SenSe LoVe
    MoRe than
    SHeLLs oF Words
    LooKinG For the Essence oF i AM LoVe..:)

    Dancing aWay aGain in Margaritaville!

    “Dancing aWay aGain in Margaritaville!”.. One year after Shut-iN Existence
    for 66 months.. where a year Before.. the Psychotherapist only
    Milestone of Recovery she could give me was walking
    in Whataburger for 15 Minutes.. a month later
    after that June of 2013 and even with
    the same milestone not
    in the Beginning
    of July Like an Epigenetic
    Unpacking then of DNA and
    Neuroplastic all Natural Miracle
    it was iF A WHole oThER Continent
    and RiGht HemisPheRe of BrAiN LiT Energy
    and BoDy MINd BaLanCinG Quantum Synergy
    Force as Metaphor unLeashed.. And reLeased
    then as me iN much greater hUman.. PoTenTiaL
    than i ever dreamed oF BeFoRE.. it’s TrUe2.. getting
    stuck behind a Desk in back of a Computer now then
    DoinG most everyone around me’s job too at Work
    And Trying to Supervise 31 employees as an
    Athletic Director who a Captain of a Station
    had assigned to be a Financial
    Manager at the same
    time for many
    other Divisions
    in the Division i was
    Responsible for plus
    the other Divisions too..
    And never understanding how
    to say no as i feared always to lose
    a Job with Asperger’s Symptoms never
    finding another one as seen as so odd then
    by otHeRs.. Never pArT of the Office Politics
    Circle i was always an outsider never really
    belonging to any group at all and now
    finally thriving in who i am and
    am Meant to be Full of
    Holy and Sacred
    i am
    i WiLL AM
    Be oNly Me NoW..
    Anyway.. lots of great Beach
    Photos in this one as Family then
    Came together after my Father’s
    Death and after being a shut-in
    for those 66 months.. the Family
    got to see me Dance in Public
    and sure i did some more
    of my ‘Briefs’ Art in
    this one too..
    And even
    got around
    to attending
    A Southern
    Baptist Gospel
    Singing where i was
    able to practice my New
    Found SinGinG Voice for any
    kind of MuSiC WitH KinDa Free Verse
    Dance and Spiraling WriTE too.. although
    it’s tRue3.. like a Nautilus Shell and a Hurricane
    those spirals have grown much since yes.. the three
    years ago aT Margaritaville then.. true4 much harder
    almost impossible to FeeL and SenSE Old when one
    is continuously Evolving a SoUL to GreATer LiGht alWays NoW..:)

    What does the Wookiee Say!

    “What does the Wookiee Say!’.. 2014.. WeLL iT’s true the Wookiee says
    a little more about Briefs and Buns in this one as sort
    of a Big Bang to end that era of “Briefs” Art for
    Me.. All Commando after that in
    Restricted links mostly
    as i remember
    but hey..
    i AM Free
    Verse reAlly
    And if i did not go this
    far i would have never likely
    then attained the full absence
    of Illusory Fears nowthen.. it’s
    true we are animals.. kinda smart
    at times and not kinda smart and
    really dum at times in the BaLanCinG
    forCE of NaTure all thAt is GoDonE.. butt when
    we Discard the illusory fears and empty promises
    ClotheS and get back to OnE WiTh NAtuRE GoD WiLd and
    Free NaKEd as ChiLd without the Pacifier and Diaper
    of Culture to hold
    us back from
    Naked Free..
    a TooL ratHeR
    than a millstone of
    DARk to nowthenow gRoW
    Ocean WhOle LiGht.. yes.. the
    Verse 37 of the Gospel of Thomas
    Works all the way uP foR ME STiLL NoW..:)

    Hidden Paths Food and Love

    “Hidden Paths Food and Love”.. 2015.. A Very Challenging Year as
    i continued to increase my ArT PoTenTiaL in both Creativity
    and Productivity with some Science miXed iN for
    BaLanCinG MoRe FoRcE to Boot.. and
    in doing so Free i was gradually
    out growing my community
    in linking
    with the
    dVerse Poetry
    Pub as the common
    goal online in that poetry
    World was/is to get great compliments
    stroking egos on how great everyone’s
    poem was or to criticize it if it fell out
    of the Poetry Paint By Numbers
    Science away from any
    art i for one could
    truly see as wHole..
    And yeS it’s true..
    iF Both that Online
    Community and so-called
    Systemizing Science Land
    on the Wrong Planet too had not
    kept doing tHeir best to Drive me away..
    hell no.. ain’t no way i would have ever accomplished
    even a fraction of what i did the two years after that
    into now.. as JuST ’cause the Sycamore Tree is a little
    taller is no reaSoN to F iN Cut me doWn.. hehe.. Ha!
    i rise i rise i fly NoW so AliVe i am enough NoW…
    hehE LiGhT FReED..:)

    Mines of Canaries

    “Mines of Canaries”.. this MacroVerse from 2015.. mostly
    focused on the Wrong Planet as a truly sad empty place
    where many folks refuse to believe they
    even have relative free will
    to change their lives
    with the
    SenSoRy Synergetic
    EpiGeNeTiC NeuroPlasTiC
    PowER oF Force aS HUmaN
    EmoTioNs SeNseS NoW aS Poverty aS such
    that sadly seems to have little to no reference
    point NoWTheN for many FoR anything FeeLInG
    SenSinG oF LiFe LiGht that We
    Create our own ReaLiTies
    Now by Positive EmoTioNs
    And SenSes that MotiVate
    uS HiGher to MoVe.. ConNecT
    And creATe Much Greater Productive liGht LiFE NoW..
    YeS.. BeLliEF.. HoPe.. and FaiTH and LoVe are muCh
    MORe aS WiLL of Free Than Empty Word sHeLLs
    tHaT Those who never NoWthenNoW
    uSe these all Natural HuMan
    Forces of EmoTioNs
    And SenSes or
    eVen SeeK
    and FiNd this
    Greater Nature
    And GoD sAMe hUman
    PoTenTiaL that doesn’t even
    require an External Substance
    Drug of any kind to achieve so much
    more now.. true.. i too was once A Canary
    iN a Coal Mine2 but my Color NoW is more Violet than Yellow..:)

    iNto liGht dArKnesS

    “iNto liGht dArKnesS”.. Hmm.. an appropriate title sTiLL from
    a Year Ago on 6.16.16 as the Summer Solstice was
    approaching then too.. and as i Round
    out this Year’s Festivities heAR
    as there will likely be
    some more MacroVerse
    Memories to come yeT
    in the next few days to
    Celebrate Years past
    oF A Summer
    Solstice too..
    It’s Nice to Have
    A Longest Day NoW but it’s
    also nice to have Cloudy Days
    too NoWwhere dARk WiLL Be Better
    appreciated for Sunshine all FReED
    to coMe Within as HeAveN maDE aLL
    Natural too.. as Public Dance iS CoMinG
    After a Hopeful Publish of this if the WiFe
    lEts me wait thAT Long to Dance Her Shopping
    shorTest Eve
    As everyNow
    Day from FReED
    YeS.. WiLd LiGht Baby2..;)

  18. Pingback: SuMMeR SoULsTicE LoVE MaCRoVeRsE 111 | KATiE MiA FredericK!iI

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